

From Children of StarClan

Navigation: Index Genetics Dilution

Genetics Department
Department Mission
  • To provide genetic information for every character who procreates in game, and to provide genotypes as requested by players.
Genetics Information
Other Departments

The dilution gene takes the 'Non-dilute' colors (Black, Red, Chocolate, Cinnamon) and turns them into the 'dilute' colors (Gray, Cream, Tan, Fawn). This document will also cover the dilution modifier gene, which further changes the dilute colors into dilute modified colored (Caramel, Apricot, Taupe). Please bear in mind that dilute modification only comes into play if the cat is dilute.



DD - A non-dilute cat
Dd - A non-dilute cat (carrying dilute)
dd - A dilute cat


DmDm - A non-modified cat
Dmdm - A non-modifed cat (carrying modified)
dmdm - A modified dilute cat



  • Non-dilute (DD) x Non-dilute (DD) = 100% (DD) Non-dilute
  • Non-dilute (DD) x Non-dilute (Dd) = 50% (DD) Non-dilute, 50% (Dd) Non-dilute
  • Non-dilute (Dd) x Non-dilute (Dd) = 25% (DD) Non-dilute, 50% (Dd) Non-dilute, 25% (dd) Dilute
  • Non-dilute (Dd) x Dilute (dd) = 50% (Dd) Non-dilute, 50% (dd) Dilute
  • Dilute (dd) x Dilute (dd) = 100% (dd) Dilute
  • Non-dilute (DD) x Dilute (dd) = 100% (Dd) Non-dilute

Click here to see the Breedings in Visual Format
Click here to see the above breedings in Punnet Squares


  • Non-dilute Modified (DmDm) x Non-dilute Modified (DmDm) = 100% (DmDm) Non-dilute Modified
  • Non-dilute Modified (DmDm) x Non-dilute Modified (Dmdm) = 50% (DmDm) Non-dilute Modified, 50% (Dmdm) Non-dilute Modified
  • Non-dilute Modified (Dmdm) x Non-dilute Modified (Dmdm) = 25% (DmDm) Non-dilute Modified, 50% (Dmdm) Non-dilute Modified, 25% (dmdm) Dilute Modified
  • Non-dilute Modified (Dmdm) x Dilute Modified (dmdm) = 50% (Dmdm) Non-dilute Modified, 50% (dmdm) Dilute Modified
  • Dilute Modified (dmdm) x Dilute Modified (dmdm) = 100% (dmdm) Dilute Modified
  • Non-dilute Modified (DmDm) x Dilute Modified (dmdm) = 100% (Dmdm) Non-dilute Modified

Click here to see the Breedings in Visual Format
Click here to see the above breedings in Punnet Squares


Dilution is somewhat complicated, but in the grand scheme of feline genes rather simple. While a polygene it is only comprised of two genes that are each simple recessive, with the second dependent on the first for expression. This means that expression itself it's complex, but rather simple.
It should be noted that, within the clans, the dilution modifier is considered hyper rare and actively discouraged. This is due to the fact that it is a rarely expressed gene within purebred populations where close and/or careful breeding can bring rare recessives to the front. The clans, while closely bred, as not frequently harboring unusual recessive genes without access to influxes of those genetics from outside the group.

Application Examples

Poly-genotype - Pheonotype
  • DD DmDm - Non-dilute (carries non-dilute modified)
  • Dd DmDm - Non-dilute (carries non-dilute & non-dilute modified)
  • dd DmDm - Dilute (carries non-dilute modified)
  • dd Dmdm - Dilute (carries dilute modified & non-dilute modified)
  • dd dmdmd - Dilute modified

References on Gene Loci