

From Children of StarClan

Age amongst the clans has long been a point of contention for many games. Here at CoSC we have settled on a set of guidelines for the aging process of the cats of the clans. Our opinions on development and the aging process will be outlined by this set of rules, with the understanding that the natural process of aging will permit some variance.

The general guidelines being employed in the creation of this guide is that of 1 Moon being equivalent to 1 year of human development. It should also be understood that, due to the lack of scientifically based medical care and vaccines, feral cats lives are nowhere near as long as the lives of those who live as house pets. Players with cats over the age of 70 should be actively planning a death scene, and any character surpassing the age of 75 should have express permission from the Admin team to continue to keep the character alive.


Typically running from birth through to the 6th moon, Kitten-hood amongst the clans is a time of play and growth. It focuses on the development of the infant kitten into a young adult cat. It is a time of preparation for apprenticeship.
1st Moon: A time of physical development and the evolution of the blind and helpless kitten into an infant cat and future clan member.
1st Week: Ears Open
2nd Week: Eyes Open, First teething starts. "Following" behaviors begin. Ability to speak begins to develop.
3rd Week: Sense of smell perfected. "Litterbox" behavior begins. Personality begins to develop.
4th Week: Basic mobility is now fully developed. Introduction to solid foods should start.
2nd Moon: Physical development continues, and the kitten begins to reach the point in which true teachings might begin.
5th Week: Hunting & Stalking instincts develop.
6th Week: Adult locomotion should be reached.
7th & 8th Weeks: Adult eye color develops. Adult social reactions are developed. Transition to solid food should be complete.
3rd - 6th Moons: Physical development reaches the potential for adult skill development, with all inborn behavior traits being fully prepared. Adult teeth should be present and healthy. The "Mother's Knee" training should be undertaken during this period.


Apprenticeship usually begins during the 6th Moon of a kittens' life (though it might be postponed in the case of an underdeveloped kit) and will last at least until the 12th Moon.
Apprenticeship is a time in which a cat's training to become a fully functional and athletic warrior. It focuses on taking the instincts and physical development of the Kitten-hood and developing it to the next level. Knowledge is imparted and the physicality necessary for warrior-ship is developed.


Warriors make up the bulk of the clan, and most characters will spend the majority of their lives serving their clan as a warrior. To clarify the duties to be expected based on age the warrior-hood has been split into three categories. Keep in mind that these are guidelines, and the individual character must be taken into account in deciding what duties are suitable for that cat.
First Year Warrior (12-26 Moons) : While a fully fledged warrior their skills are still not as sharp as they could be, but they have surpassed the point where direct one-on-one training is practical. Most first year warriors will spend their time serving on patrols and gaining the experience they need to truly become a credit to their clan. Many new deputies will be selected from the latter half of this group of warriors.
Second Year Warrior (27-39 Moons) : Now a fully capable warrior with the experience to back up the knowledge, a cat might be poised to become a senior warrior (if the Leader so chooses to bring them into his or her inner circle). Many cats of this age group are ready and capable to lead patrols (Though not all, there is an element of talent to being a good leader). Many new deputies will be selected earlier half of this group of warriors.
Older Warrior (40+ Moons) : With experience and wisdom on their side, an older warrior is well placed to receive an apprentice (if they ever will). These experienced cats might not have the bounce and energy of youth but they can make up for it well in experience. Deputies are rarely selected from this age group, as most leaders will have a preference for appointing cats younger than they are to take on the long-term job of leading the clan when they are gone.


Retirement to the elder's den is a right earned by every cat who serves its clan during its life. Any retirement must be cleared with the Moderator of your clan, with the exception of Forced retirement which must also be cleared by an Administrator.
Forced Retirement (Any Age) : A cat subject to a forced retirement is one who was either born with a disability that couldn't be overcome to grant that cat a warrior-hood, or who was injured or ill in such a way that their performance ability was severely impacted to the point that they were a liability.
Early Retirement (50-55 Moons) : Cats whose lives have been hard, who have suffered and been sick frequently, or for whom a history of injury or damage exists might be in a situation that calls for early retirement. These cats have aged severely and are showing the signs of elderliness at a younger age that in average and have entered the elder's den as their bodies and minds have required of them.
General Retirement (56-65 Moons) : A typical cat will take to the elder's den in this period, and give up warrior duties in favor of rest at this point. When age begins to prevent a cat from preforming their warrior duties properly they should begin to consider retirement. Cats who are flagging in their ability to preform their duties might be confronted by the clan leader who can force them to accept their new place if it becomes necessary.
Late Retirement (66+ Moons) : Some cats will maintain their functionality until the latter part of their lives. These cats will enter the elder's den later than most because of their good health and good fortune.

The Hereafter

Death is a part of life in the clans that is suffered gracefully and general accepted by all without the intense mourning and depression associated with it in modern industrialized cultures. The harshness of life and the closeness of StarClan, with its undeniable and earth-touching ways, make letting go and moving forward not only necessary for survival but something that is easier to do than is commonly believed by those living in modern ways. In the case of most death situations a moderator's permission is needed, at least.
Unexpected Death (Less than 40 Moons) : Not all cats die of old age amongst the clans. Illness, Injury and the like are all well and truly able to cause the death of a cat. For required clearances from the staff, consult the related FAQ Set.
Early Old Age Death (40-55 Moons) : While cats do not frequently die of old age during the earliest part of the later moons, it does happen.
Old Age Death (56-69 Moons) : This period should comprise the most common period for cats to pass on in. The age is well advanced when the harsh lives and medical technology is factored in.
Late Old Age Death (70-74 Moons) : Such ages are reachable, but only in those who've led relatively stress and injury free lives. In times of peace and prosperity such an age would not be too uncommon.
Unbelievably Old Age Death (75+ Moons) : It is almost unheard of for a cat to surpass 75 moons amongst the clans. Such cats are celebrated for their stubbornness and ability to survive.