
Clan-Beginning Warrior Code Studies

From Children of StarClan

A quick note: Various cats have different opinions on certain points, and small changes in interpretation can radically change the perceived meanings of things. This document reflects the most typical way to interpret the code.

Beginner's Study of the Warrior Code

Given that it is, in essence, the law that guides Clan life itself, knowing and understanding the warrior code is considered absolutely imperative for an apprentice to learn, and is taught as early as possible.

There are four codes in the Warrior Code, and they can be described as follows:

  • The Warrior's Code – a code that dictates the rules and obligations of Clan life in general
  • The Mentor's Code – a code that describes the training of apprentices and requirements for graduation
  • The Leader's Code – a code defining the naming and duties of leaders and deputies
  • The Medicine Cat's Code – a code dictating the behavior and duties of a medicine cat, and some duties of other cats in relation to medicine cats

Apprentices are expected to know and understand all parts of the code. At assessments, they will be expected to have the codes memorized and understand all their key points. If an apprentice does not fulfill either requirement, even if they excel in all other aspects of training, they will have an extremely low chance of being permitted to graduate.

However, in some cases, there is some leniency. With the exception of the MCA, apprentices may be graded less severely on memorization of the Medicine Cat's code. Their knowledge may be considered acceptable to instead simply understand the key points rather than have it completely memorized. Medicine Cat Apprentices, however, will most likely be strictly evaluated on all parts of the code.

The Warrior Code may be viewed in its entirety here.

The Key Elements of the Codes

The Warrior's Code

The First Stanza

  • A warrior must always walk according to StarClan's will
  • If a cat does not believe in StarClan, they cannot be a warrior

The Second Stanza

  • The Clan is a warrior's highest priority
  • A warrior must be willing to give their life in service to their Clan
  • While a warrior may have friends and family, their loyalty to their Clan takes precedence

The Third Stanza

  • All Clan cats of all Clans should be treated with respect
  • Warriors are not permitted to attack kits or let them suffer
  • Warriors are not permitted to attack medicine cats

The Fourth Stanza

  • Each Clan must protect their own territory so they may hunt on it
  • A warrior may not cross and hunt on another Clan's territory
  • Borders must be patrolled and maintained daily by all Clans

The Fifth Stanza

  • Prey is a gift from StarClan and should not be hunted or used wastefully
  • Food goes to Clanmembers in most need of it first, such as queens, elders, kits and the medicine cat
  • Only after these groups are fed is a warrior allowed to eat

The Sixth Stanza

  • A warrior is not allowed to kill in cold blood unless the other cat is a traitor to the warrior code, or the death is necessary to protect other cats
  • A warrior is not allowed to follow any part of the life of a kitty pet

The Mentor's Code

The First Stanza

  • A mentor passes on all the knowledge that they possess to their apprentice

The Second Stanza

  • The first thing an apprentice must learn is the layout and borders of their Clan's territory
  • They must grow to be completely familiar with the territory in order to hunt on it and defend it

The Third Stanza

  • The second thing an apprentice must learn is how to hunt
  • It is the apprentices duty in particular to hunt for those who need food most, and cannot eat until queens, kits, and elders are fed

The Fourth Stanza

  • The last thing an apprentice must learn is how to fight
  • They must learn restraint in battle and must be ready to give up their lives for their Clan

The Fifth Stanza

  • An apprentice must go to at least one Gathering during their apprenticeship
  • An apprentice must go on a journey to see Mothermouth with their own eyes at least once during their apprenticeship
  • An apprentice may graduate only after all these things have been accomplished

The Leader's Code

The First Stanza

  • A Clan must always have a leader to guide it, accepted by StarClan

The Second Stanza

  • All leaders must have a deputy to help the leader run the Clan
  • If a deputy retires or is removed from their position somehow, a new one must be named by Moonhigh

The Third Stanza

  • If a leader dies, a senior warrior is chosen to take over the deputy's position
  • A new leader will be given nine lives and their new name as part of StarClan's acceptance of their new position
  • These lives shall be spent in service to the Clan

The Fourth Stanza

  • Every full moon when the moon is visible, all the Clans shall meet under a truce
  • At this truce, the Clan Leader will give the other Clans any news of note that has happened to their Clan

The Fifth Stanza

  • A Clan leader oversees and performs all rituals that cause a change in name or rank

The Medicine Cat's Code

The First Stanza

  • Medicine cats, while their greatest loyalty is to StarClan, must also remain loyal to the Clan they serve

The Second Stanza

  • Kits who choose to follow the path of a medicine cat must first get StarClan's approval by journeying to Mothermouth at a medicine cat's meeting
  • Once the apprentice is approved, the Clan's leader will then give it a new name that they will have while they learn the art of a medicine cat

The Third Stanza

  • Once a medicine cat apprentice is ready to graduate, they must again be tested and approved by StarClan at a medicine cat's meeting
  • After they are approved again, they will be given their adult name
  • If a Clan has more than one medicine cat, the older one and younger one will work together; There does not have to be only one medicine cat

The Fourth Stanza

  • Medicine cats are not to be harmed by other Clan cats
  • When medicine cats journey to the Moonstone, they are not allowed to eat on their journey
  • Neither are medicine cats allowed to attack other cats on this journey

The Fifth Stanza

  • On the waxing half-moon (a week before the Gathering) medicine cats must journey to the Moonstone for a meeting with the other medicine cats and to commune with StarClan
  • No Clan cats may interfere with this journey

The Sixth Stanza

  • A medicine cat's Clan becomes their highest priority when they take up the position, and they must treat all members of the Clan with love and care
  • A medicine cat is not allowed to have kits, so they will not put their blood children before other members of the Clan