
CoC Knighthood

From Children of StarClan

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Chivalric Code

The 10 Commandments of Chivalry

  • I : Thou shalt hold the grace and power of god highly, defending the ways of the sacred holy church.
  • II : Thou shalt keep faith and loyalty to thine sworn masters, God and King.
  • III : Thou shalt love and protect the lands to which thou is sworn, putting them before all other places.
  • IV : Thou shalt shalt be always the champion of what is good, right and just.
  • V : Thou shalt love those god-fearing cats, and see thineself as the protector of them.
  • VI : Thou shalt fight always to banish evil, and never for personal gain.
  • VII : Thou shalt never recoil before thine enemies.
  • VIII : Thou shalt never lie, and remain truthful to thy pledged word.
  • IX : Thou shalt be always generous, giving freely of self and possessions.
  • X : Thou shalt make war against infidels, bringing them either death on the claw or rebirth in Christ's name.

Virtues & Sins

The 7 Virtues

Those traits which a Knight must exemplify

Humility, Kindness, Forgiveness, Diligence, Charity, Temperance, & Chastity

The 7 Sins

Those traits with a Knight must never exemplify

Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony & Lust

The Explanations

  • Humility, for a knight must not think so highly of themselves that they would abuse the authority they have been granted.
  • Kindness, for a knight must uphold and represent those things that are good, and must be trusted by those they are to defend.
  • Forgiveness, for a knight must be above petty grudges and other such scorns against others.
  • Diligence, for a knight must never waiver in the responsibilities they hold.
  • Charity, for a knight must give freely of that which they posses, be it their protection or their food.
  • Temperance, for a knight must always practice self control without fail.
  • Chastity, for a knight must be morally pure and beyond the distractions of the flesh.