
Warriors Code/Version 1

From Children of StarClan

< Info:Warriors Code

This version of the Warriors Code was used from Gamestart until 27 February 2006. It is recorded here as a Legacy to the version we once used. It was originally written by Kitsufox but eventually found to be inadequate to encompass everything the code should.

Version 1

The First Code

To ritual may the clan stay true:
Give kits to clan before next full moon,
And grant new names them as due.
When paws are proven fit and trained,
shall never a warrior be made too soon.
At Moon-high shall the leader who reigned,
Give to the clan a new deputy's name.

The Second Code

Taught to young paws, in a mentor's kind way:
Clan shall aways be the first you feed,
and take fresh-kill to all in need.
And respect be in each word you say,
to Leader, Elder, and all alike.
To StarClan each cat shall be true,
and paw taken to Mothermouth view.

The Third Code

To the will of StarClan a Warrior must bow:
In vigil does the new Warrior stand,
and silent guard the clan's homeland.
The warrior's trade is rife with battle,
but never with cold heart steal life's blood.
Though paws will be trained to know warrior's way,
Never should Kit hunt alone, by night or by day.

The Fourth Code

The clan be led, always in truth:
When in Silverpelt's gleam the moon has gone full,
the four clans gather to fulfill StarClan's Truce.
Where the Stars named by Ancestors stand before all,
and tell of what over their Clan has come to fall.
Keep true to Clan ritual and please StarClan,
for that is their edict and part of their plan.

The Fifth Code

Medicine Cats though are true to their Clan:
As healers alike they must share the cure,
to any illness in any Clan Land near here.
To Moonstone the Medicine Cat shall travel,
at the Half-moon to keep in StarClan's Council.
Never shall happen traveling to Mothermouth,
No food be consumed and no attack to be made.