
Forum - pussy and the owl by the light of the moon (5 LS 09 OPEN)

Overview > WindClan > WindClan Camp > pussy and the owl by the light of the moon (5 LS 09 OPEN) Write a reply

Who: Yellowfrost + anycat!
What: Volunteering (and Commandeering) Moonhigh Border Patrol
Where: Center of camp, 'twixt the Talking Cliff & the Camp Entrance
When: 5th of Long Sun, nearing midnight

Mild powerplay in place. I'm saying no cat has yet asked Yellowfrost to be on Moonhigh border patrol. If that needs to change, let me know. ;)

don't interrupt me
when i'm ignoring you
The rising crescent moon paled the warm cream fur of a restless Yellowfrost into something cold, silvery, and stark. The moonlight only accentuated harsh lines and angles of a gaunt frame that, under its frost-like moon rays, no longer seemed even slightly softened by the thawing of the killing winter and subsequent return of the prey.

Pacing impatiently back and forth in front of the Talking Cliff, in and out of its faint shadow cast by the moon, a blurry silver claw-scratch behind its thin veil of clouds, Yellowfrost hissed and grumbled to himself, gradually working himself up into a state.

"Optimal time to be out and about, assuredly, and me well-rested during the heat of the day, but does anyone ask Yellowfrost to Moonhigh Border Patrol? Does anyone recognize his worth, his loyalty, his fierceness in battle that he's proven again and again? Ha!"

The tabby tom unleashed an angry snort, tail lashing. He was in a particularly prickly mood because he hadn't heard enough praise (in his opinion) for helping repel thieving ThunderClan trespassers last Moon of Tiger's Wrath, during the worst winter in memory. He also felt like he'd only just recovered from a rather bad fever and sore throat (though Brightsky had proclaimed him fully recovered for a while now).

All in all, Yellowfrost wanted some action, and, what's more, he wanted recognition of his enthusiasm. And he wanted it NOW.

((EDIT: Mild powerplay over Kitsufox's Brightsky. Let me know if this post needs editing!))

Posted by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 2 March 2017 at 02:03.
Edited by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 12 May 2017 at 20:44.

Snowdust heard the grumblings of a restless warrior. She hadn’t done much that day, either; the heat held her captive under the shade of the warriors’ den. She sat up and stretched. Now that the heat of the day had passed, she was feeling refreshed and ready for some action.

Curious to see who was muttering, she slinked carefully out of the warriors’ den. The thin moonlight gave her long white fur a ghostly halo. It was well-groomed (the uneventful day had left her enough time for a thorough wash) and seemed to shine blue before a wisp of cloud partially obscured the moon and ruined the effect.

“Oh, hello, Yellowfrost,” the she-cat meowed, catching sight of the creamy tom. “Did I hear you mention a Moonhigh Patrol?” She hoped she didn’t startle him; the tom was notoriously jumpy. Still, she could feel her pelt itching to get out of the camp for a while. “I’d love to go with you, if you’d like.”

((OOC: I don't know how tables work but I tried my best))

Posted by Flameswipe on 29 May 2017 at 20:39.
Edited by Kitsufox (administrator) on 31 May 2017 at 14:54.

((OOC: Perfect! There's something going on with all the tables––words seem to break off when it runs out of space––but from what I see, Flameswipe, you did a great job with the Table & rp. ;D Congratulations on successfully adopting the lovely Snowdust!))

don't interrupt me
when i'm ignoring you
A startled hiss escaped the lanky tom. His short pelt bristling, he whirled to face the snowy warrior.

He eyed her suspiciously, none too pleased that he'd been caught by surprise, too busy ranting to keep on guard from all directions (like I should have been). Then Yellowfrost snapped, "Don't your ears work? And can't you see the moon overhead?"

He paced restlessly around his clanmate in a wide circle, feverishly bright yellow eyes roving all around camp. "Yesss, I said Moonhigh Patrol. But you and me aren't enough cats to go out. Bah!" The tabby lashed his skinny tail particularly viciously. Seeking another cat free nearby (preferably one he trusted not to ambush him, like Sparrowflight or Frozensky or even that upstart Rowanbough,) he muttered irritably to himself, "Now where's that deputy of ours?"

Posted by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 29 May 2017 at 21:22.
Edited by Kitsufox (administrator) on 31 May 2017 at 14:55.

((I fixed the tables… It's was weird, but resolvable.))

Rowanbough slipped through camp in the dim moonlight, his black coat well suited to being missed in the shadows. If it wasn't for his brilliant blue eyes. "I'm leading tonight's moonhigh patrol. I hadn't directly assigned anybody and was going to wake those I felt had rested enough during the day to be up at this hour." His insecurities about his rank at such a young age made him rankle a bit at Yellowfrost's tone, but he made a concentrated effort to keep it from his voice.

"Volunteers are easier than having to drag anyone from their den."

Posted by Kitsufox (administrator) on 31 May 2017 at 21:34.
Edited by Kitsufox (administrator) on 31 May 2017 at 21:34.

Don't use the term 'good person'
Snowdust held her tongue; she knew from experience how horrible it was to be woken up from a well-earned rest for moonhigh patrol. Still, she never resented Rowanbough for it. He was just doing his job, after all, and someone had to patrol the borders. She did agree with him that volunteers were much easier, however.
She shifted her focus from Yellowfrost to Rowanbough as he came to a stop next to them. "That they are," she purred, "and here we are." Her paws gently kneaded the ground as she imagined racing through the grassy moor. "Where are we going tonight?"

because you can't be good for everyone.

Posted by Flameswipe on 1 June 2017 at 00:59.

((OOC: Apologies for the wait, guys! Life's been crazy busy for the Fae.))

don't interrupt me
when i'm ignoring you
If Yellowfrost was relieved to see the deputy appear, hardly visible save for gleaming blue eyes, he didn't show it, only continued to shift his weight impatiently from paw to paw. He greeted the younger tom with a scowl, then watched Snowdust from the corner of his eye as the pale warrior kneaded the ground, as if she, too, were eager to be off.

"Let's go, then," he mewed brusquely, and started off, the Talking Cliff nothing more than a darker, starker shadow rising steeply to block off the sky to his right. Only when he was already on his way did the restless tabby realize Snowdust had not stopped talking---they'd never discussed a destination.

Huffing with renewed irritation, Yellowfrost debated inwardly whether to continue stalking off for the moors and leave it to his companions to catch up, or to wait in camp for instructions. It may be more prudent---and probably a lot more diplomatic, too---to allow Rowanbough time to to give instruction; Rowanbough outranked them both, never mind that he was moons younger.

After a heartbeat's consideration, Yellowfrost decided to plant himself pointedly just to the side of the camp's entrance, signaling that he was ready to go, and couldn't everyone hurry up already?! They could talk on the way, after all.

He eyed his fellow WindClanners with speculative yellow eyes, then nodded sharply to himself. Besides, this way he wasn't turning his back on any cat, and could instead keep an eye out. One never knew when some cat might snap and attack him, was the paranoid tom's reasoning.

Posted by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 7 June 2017 at 23:39.
Edited by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 7 June 2017 at 23:42.

((Short, but I've been holding this up more than long enough.))

’’’”Yes, lets go.”’’’ Rowanbough agreed with Yellowfrost. ‘’’”I think we should cut down to Rockfield and along gate riverbank to the flatlands. Those areas of the border are the most frequently a problem.”’’’ He gave a nod and began to lead the way towards the entrance, glancing back to make sure he was being followed.

Posted by Kitsufox (administrator) on 14 June 2017 at 20:15.

Don't use the term 'good person'
Snowdust got up to her paws as Yellowfrost sulked over to the camp entrance, but stayed where she was, content to let him make his point. One of her ears flicked with uncomfortable amusement as she tried to imagine scowling as much as he did--didn't he know his face might get stuck like that?--but she kept her thoughts otherwise to herself.

As Rowanbough described the route they'd take, she traced through it in her mind. "A nice long run," she meowed, her paws tingling anew as she imagined the cool night air blowing in her long white fur. She'd never admit it, but she loved running next to Rowanbough; it was as if he were her shadow, with her fur white and his black.

As Rowanbough took charge of the patrol, Snowdust padded after him. "Ready to go," she affirmed as the midnight deputy glanced back, then paused by Yellowfrost in case he wanted to go next. After a moment's hesitation, she slipped through the camp entrance and was instantly relieved to feel that the winds were not still this night.

because you can't be good for everyone.

((OOC: Fae, I left this open-ended so you can have him do what he wants here))

Posted by Flameswipe on 15 June 2017 at 22:36.

((OOC: Perfect! Thanks, Flameswipe. This seems like a good place to wrap up...Shall we start a new thread to continue the patrol? I really want to!))

don't interrupt me
when i'm ignoring you
Yellowfrost was gratified to see that everycat was under way. He leaped to his paws and moved aside, giving his deputy a wide berth as the rusty-furred Rowanbough passed him. He didn't expect the level-headed, dutiful tom to attack him, not really, but Yellowfrost couldn't resist checking to ensure his and Snowdust's claws were sheathed; by now, it was an old habit.

The lithe tabby glanced up, just in time to catch Snowdust's bright blue eyes. Yellow eyes, feverishly bright, stared back for a startled moment, then his face creased into yet another frown. Was she waiting for him to go first?

Oh, no. That wouldn't do at all. He'd be taking up the rear, for now; Yellowfrost didn't fancy exiting camp with another cat at his back, not one he didn't trust explicitly. And while he'd never been overtly bothered by the mild-mannered, snowy she-cat before, neither did he know her enough to trust that far.

Glancing back at Rowanbough, then back around at the dim clearing of the WindClan camp, Yellowfrost took a pawstep back and waited --- impatiently --- for his clanmates to exit the camp proper. His nerves twanged and his skinny tail-tip twitched in anticipation; he could hardly wait to get out on the open moor, with nothing but endless night sky overhead!

Posted by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 17 June 2017 at 02:48.
Edited by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 17 June 2017 at 03:07.

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