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From Children of StarClan

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A Non-Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of RiverClan
A Tom by Unknown out of UnknownBorn Longkit in the Moon of First Fishing (2006)* Died of Illness in the Moon of Tiger's Wrath (2008)
Dead at the age of 23 moons (1 year & 9 months)
and has been so for 19 moons (1 year & 6 months).
Short Description :
A vocal black tom with greenish gold eyes
Long Description :
Longshadows was a jet black tom with a lean build. He was built for stealth, with short fur that barely touched the ground when he couched. A white patch underneath his jaw was noticed only if he lifted his head up, so in the shadows as he crouched, his form was not easily visible. His eyes were narrow and a golden green. He had very long white whiskers, which his son inherited.
Otterpelt gets part of his personality traits from his father; known to be bold of tongue, Longshadows was not afraid to speak his mind and let other cats know what he thought about them. Unlike his son, however, Longshadows did not apologize for his actions. He had a lot of ideas about the other Clans that some cats found interesting, while others did not care for. So long as he felt his opinions had been voiced, he was satisfied.

To say he wasn’t true to his Clan would not be fair. Whatever his leader decided to do, Longshadows made sure he followed along- regardless of his personal belief on the decisions made. He made sure he pulled his own weight, disliking the idea that others would need to do his work for him.

When Brookstone became pregnant with his litter, he worked harder still to catch a little extra for her. Not much of a direct fatherly type, he watched his son grow up with pride from a distance.

The third time he caught Greencough, he knew it was going to his last. During those last few weeks, he became more sensitive towards others, and apologized to a few cats he knew he had deeply wronged- whether or not they accepted it. He died in peace, although he never said goodbye to his son.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Early into his apprenticeship, Longshadows caught a bout of Greencough that was particularly severe. Damaging his immune system, he had a long recovery period, enough to cause him to fall behind the other apprentices. When he was strong enough to continue training, he worked hard to catch up, although he strained his endurance, prolonging the after effects of the disease. He did not recover fast enough, as his warrior ceremony was conducted later then the others.

His second bout happened not long after his induction as a Warrior of RiverClan. His recovery this time was slow, but ultimately quicker as he heeded Brookstone’s advice to take it easy as she was pregnant with his litter. Wanting to be there to help her, his future progeny was enough of an incentive to take it easy until he was fully recovered.

By the time he was completely recovered and back to his warrior duties, Brookstone had had her litter. He hunted extra to feed to her to keep her milk flowing so that his single son would be strong, although he never considered himself in a direct fatherly role. He watched over them both as a distant, yet supportive figure.

The third time he caught Greencough, he knew he would probably not live to battle another. He held a private meeting with Brookstone before he died, but he urged her not to send his son to him. He left for StarClan shortly afterwards, and his son attended his vigil and later, his burial.
Sire :
Unknown (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Unknown (No Sdesc on File)
Offspring :
Otterpelt (A solidly built sable tom with a white locket on his chest and amber eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Longshadows Unknown Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Unknown Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Brookstone (No Sdesc on File)
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Longshadows
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details