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From Children of StarClan

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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of WindClan
A She-cat by Sandfur out of VolewhiskerBorn Streamkit in the Moon of Long Nights (2005)* Died of Illness in the Moon of Cheetah's Flight (2007)
Dead at the age of 22 moons (1 year & 8 months)
and has been so for 24 moons (1 year & 10 months).
Short Description :
A calico tabby she-cat with pale green eyes
Long Description :
Streamcloud’s long fur is marked in many ways. Tabby markings cover her body, though patchy gray and cream base colors occasionally make them hardly visible. She has a round face with long whiskers sticking out from either side of her black-lined pink nose. Her eyes are a pale grayish green. The fur above these orbs and on the tip of her muzzle is a lighter, purer white than the other light patches of her fur. Beneath her pelt lie firm muscles, still shielded by the last bits of kit-hood fat used to keep her body warm. No markedly visible scars adorn her body yet.
Streamcloud does not rush into things and doesn’t feel any need to push others for information or action in a conversation. She doesn’t mind waiting for things to happen and often enjoys the lull between the goings on of Clan life. She cares about other cats, how their life is going, their good and bad news. Streamcloud is always willing to be there for a cat in need. It is rare for her to feel animosity towards any of her Clanmates because she believes that a cohesive Clan makes every cat safer and happier. She also possesses an unwillingness to think about sad or bad things unless during battle, as she prefers for peace to reign within the Camp. Streamcloud always looks on the bright side of a situation, even when other cats point out all of the bad things that have or are likely to happen. In the family dynamic, she will often times need another cat to watch her back when it comes to diplomacy and such. If another cat is trying to trick her or hide something from her, she doesn’t typically notice. One of her Clanmates would need to point it out to her if she were meant to make any sort of rebuttal. She is a perfectly capable fighter, but trickery and betrayal are totally alien to her because of how incredibly honest she is and she believes everyone is and should be. Streamcloud doesn't lie. Unless proven wrong about a cat, she will continue thinking the best of them, despite general opinion. She particularly dislikes liars because it brings uncertainty and distrust to what, in her mind, should be an honest community striving for togetherness. This is because she is extremely respectful of authority, clinging to the belief that rules are there for the Clan's protection. Streamcloud is very rule-abiding, though she's not afraid of having fun, especially when it involves reminiscing about her younger days by playing with the kits and apprentices. Sometimes every cat needs to forget about their worries for a while.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Born the lone kit of the litter to Volewhisker and Sandfur, Streamkit was a veritable ball of fluff. As she became more mobile, this did not change, though her friendly, loving personality was certainly on display. Whenever someone would suggest a new, adventurous game, Streamkit was the one who'd question whether or not they'd get in trouble for it. She was also the kit most likely to come to harm through no fault of her own, her fur and her own growing body tripping her up. As she grew older, she explored much more confidently through the camp and Streamkit becoming less worrisome when she was nearly an apprentice. With some trepidation for her kit's safety, Volewhisker saw Streamkit into her apprenticeship with pride.

When she began to train as an apprentice, Streampaw strove to do her best, excited to serve her clan in any way she could. She was a diligent student, though no better than any other apprentice at learning new fighting techniques. There were no mishaps during her tenure as an apprentice, simply the usual trial and error of a young cat learning to hunt and fight. As she continued her training, Streampaw slowly grew out of her tendency to trip over objects that wouldn't even pass notice to any other cat. Whenever Streampaw went on dawn patrol or had a particularly unpleasant chore, her optimism helped her to feel better about their task, even though she was already proud to do her service for her Clan. This in turn made the work go by faster, even if it still took as long as it would have had the apprentices complained the entire time. Streampaw’s patient nature helped her hone her hunting skills to excellence, enabling her to do more than her part in feeding the Clan. When it was time for her warrior ceremony it seemed to go by extremely fast. She had just returned from a hunting patrol when the leader called the Clan together for a ceremony.

Streamcloud applied herself to her duties as diligently as she had first worked to learn them as an apprentice. The new freedom from apprentice chores was welcome, though she never minded doing them in the past. The way Streamcloud was supposed to operate as an individual rather than doing things with a group was the biggest change for her. She enjoyed working with other cats too much to really feel comfortable by herself for extended periods of time. Playful as always, Streamcloud often played with the apprentices and even the kits in the nursery during her free time. When she is with younger cats, it is as if she was still a kit herself. Romping and playing provide ample opportunities for Streamcloud’s old klutziness to show itself.

Streamcloud’s life is a happy one, free from worries beyond making sure WindClan is strong and healthy. She may be a warrior, but she is still a young she-cat with plenty of time to amass other sorts of worries. Though she is growing up, she doesn’t spend any time worrying about starting a family. For the time being, this WindClan she-cat is perfectly happy being just a warrior.
Sire :
Sandfur (A fawn tabby tom with green eyes)
Dame :
Volewhisker (A calico she-cat with pale gold eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Streamcloud
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details