Difference between revisions of "Adoptions/Family Finder"

From Children of StarClan

< CoSC:Adoptions
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Latest revision as of 02:27, 9 March 2017

The "Family Finder" has been a CoSC tradition since the game started. The purpose has always been to let players fill the spaced that would normally be NPCs on their character with with PCs played by other players instead. This system has let to a combination of strong inter-player relationships and strong IC family lines developing. CoSC has now developed a system to streamline and improve the system that makes sure that players not here since gamestart would be aware of the availability of these characters and this relationship building option.



Your character MUST have a family tree provided by the Genealogy Department. If you wish to offer up a character and need your family tree Expedited (Rushed), PM Fae~o~the~Wind with a polite request for this to be done and she will run the family tree at her earliest opportunity.

Offering a Named NPC

The following steps are required to offer an already named NPC for adoption as a PC.
  1. The NPC character sheet is created and approved via the normal channel for NPC creation. Remember to include a note in the appropriate section to the effect that this character will be offered up for adoption.
  2. The creator of the NPC files the adoption request using the full edit link at the bottom of the character sheet Add the "Offer NPC for Adoption" Template).
  3. The administration approves or declines the adoption request. Approval places it up, a decline will be accompanied by the administration's suggestion for attending to the character via the talk page.
  4. The adoption process becomes available for the character once the administration adds the appropriate templates.A
  5. The character is either adopted (See Step 6), or resolved in accordance to plans. In the case of adoption please contact Kitsufox with that information so she can apply the correct templates. B
  6. The character is fleshed out to meet minimum requirements for a PC character through a secondary approvals system similar to the Eased Adoption System.
A: Mark {{Adopt NPC Named}} as Accepted. + Setup the Adoption & Add Category:Named NPC.
B: Swap {{Character}} into {{Pending Character}}. + {{Adopted NPC}}. + Regular Apps Process.

Offering an Unnamed NPC

The following steps are required to offer an un-named NPC for adoption as a PC.
  1. Go to the Redlinked sub-page assigned to the character by the Family Tree of your PC. In the "This Page Is For" Section of the box above the editing box, click "Unnamed Adoptable NPC".
  2. Fill out the form:
    • Click "Add Another" in the "Offer Unnamed NPC For Adoption" and fill out.
    • Click "Add Another" in the "NPC Information" and fill out.
    • Click "Add Another" in the "NPC Adoption Setup" and fill out.
  3. The administration approves or declines the adoption request. Approval places it up, a decline will be accompanied by the administration's suggestion for attending to the character via the talk page.
  4. The adoption process becomes available for the character.
  5. The character is either adopted (proceed to step #5), or resolved in accordance with plans.
  6. The character sheet is created by the new adopter and undergoes the normal approval process.

Available Characters



Adoption Proceedings

Adoptions In Progress

The following characters are currently undergoing the adoption proceedings.

Proposed Adoptions

The following characters have been proposed for adoption by thier creators.

Declined Proposals

The following characters have been proposed for adoption by thier creators, but that proposal has been declined by the staff.