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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A Tom by Carlos out of AnitaBorn and dubbed Pablo in the Moon of First Green (2006)
Living at the age of 41 Moons (3 years & 2 months)
Short Description :
A mostly black bi-color tom with short, sleek fur and green eyes
Long Description :
Slim, prim, and in his mind, utterly gorgeous. Pablo’s fur is a deep black, sleek and shiny, short and lying flat against his skin. Only a dash of white adorns his chest, something he affectionately calls his ‘little patch of nieve.’ His thin coat of fur accentuates his thin figure, and he almost looks oriental in his shape. His eyes are big and bright, the color a brilliant bright green that are very expressive and reveal his emotions.
Pablo’s life revolves around his obsession of love and his objects of affection. He is a very deluded cat in that he believes he is simply the sexiest thing around, and no one – or thing – can resist his wiles. It’s not something of arrogance but his sincere beliefs of himself. Pablo will flirt with anyone or anything, gender and species do not matter. He is a wildly emotional character, affectionate and forward in them, but a cat who can be pushed to dramatics if needed, and just as equally pushed to tears by something that might not even be too tragic. Pablo doesn't get angry easily, and when it comes to defense, he tries to talk himself out of it and be as polite as possible before anything else comes of it. He likes quoting his favorite romantic things, especially poetry by his namesake, Neruda, and speaking the bits of the tongue his father taught him. Overall, Pablo lives a life of leisure, choosing romance over conquest.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Pablo was born in Whitehart with two sisters, Esmeralda and Maria Isabel. Their mother was Anita, who had mated by chance by Carlos, who fancied himself the town Casanova, even going so far to call himself ‘Carlos, cat of Love.’ Anita was a semi-feral who roamed as she pleased, often getting kitty kibble from a pair of humans. Anita raised the kits in their backyard, tucked neatly away in a den behind the hedge where she shielded them from the world. She mentioned their father fondly, often only calling him ‘the Cat of Love,’ leading Pablo to become obsessed with the idea of his father and giving him a goal to find him.

His mother tried to keep her kits with her as long as she could, as she was very attached to them and didn't want them to leave her. At six moons, he took off for a day out of the den and met the local housecats and roaming cats. They told him stories of his father that amazed the young tom. Before he could try to find him, however, his mother caught him and chastised him for running away from her. Pablo accompanied his mother back to their little den, but he made his plans of leaving soon after. He decided to leave his family for good came a little over a moon later, where he said his goodbyes to his sisters and took off to find his father.

Amazingly, he found him, with the help of a few gossiping queens. Carlos instantly took the young tom under his wing and taught him everything he knew: all the fine arts of flirtation, seduction, romancing, and love scholar-ing. He taught him romance of the humans, of fine writing, music, and most importantly, poetry. He told him he shared a name with one of the greatest love poets of all time and Pablo focused to learn all of Neruda’s poetry. He spent moons with him, slowly becoming the flamboyant tom he is today. His affections are entirely open, willing to hit on everyone and everything. He’s grown deluded in his definition of himself.

After nearly a year of spending time with his father, he bid him adios and headed off for greener pastures. After wandering the town for a while, he decided to take off through the broad expanse of forest beyond the fences.
Sire :
Carlos (A fine-boned black tom with green eyes)
Dame :
Anita (A cinnamon bicolor she-cat with graying points)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Unknown Tom
Unknown Queen
Maria Isabel
Unnamed tom
Unnamed she-cat
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Pablo
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Pablo
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details