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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Semi-feral cat
A sworn subject of the Kingdom of Camelot
A She-cat by Gate out of IsisBorn and dubbed Horus in the Moon of Long Sun (2006)
Short Description :
A ruddy-gold tabby she-cat with a white foot and an incessant curiosity
Long Description :
Horus's coat is a deep, burnished red-gold. This fur of hers stubbornly repels dirt and grime, likely because of its glossy, silky texture; water (and dirt) tends to slide right off like water off a duck's back.

Her pelt is marked with wild, darker tabby stripes, and her tail is ringed and white-tipped. She has one white paw, and her eyes are pale green.

She is slightly built, with long whiskers and narrow shoulders. She is quick and agile and posesses rather good balance. Her paws are unproportionally large, which she claims gives her better balance (more surface to walk on), but is mostly almost comical.
Horus is a lively and curious young cat. She always wants to know everything about everything, and is forever asking questions. "Why?" is her personal favorite, but she likes "how?" "who?" "what?" "when?" and "where?" as well.

She loves stories and has a rather remarkable memory for them. It is one of her dearest desires to go on some great adventure, like the heros and heroines of the tales she loves. With her unsatiable curiosity, she craves new sights to see and new stories to hear.

With her sharp eyes, she tends to notice a lot; this trait, however, only serves to make her more curious, and give her more things to ask questions about. She is interested in many things, from tales of old to local gossip, although she is too soft-hearted to take rumors seriously.

She is honest and friendly, as well as eager to meet new cats. Sweet and kind by nature, she is always ready to lend a helping hand, and treats everyone the same. She dislikes fighting, though with her quick reflexes may likely have a natural aptitude for it.

She tends to look on the bright side, and she believes in second chances. She can be viewed as naive and trusting, and even gullable. She belives in kindness and innocence and that cats are primarily good. She would rather believe that and be dissapointed, she would say. She always tries to see the goodness and beauty in everyone.

She dislikes letting those who rely on her and those she cares about down. She herself rarely gets angry, but she is prone to powerful surges of guilt.
Key Dates  
Full History :
An elderly man once inherited a cat. This man had a passion for Egypt and Egyptian culture, namely the ways of the ancient times. He named his cat Isis, and she lived a rich, comfortable life.

Every now and then, Isis would wander out to the front stair of her home and listen to the sounds of the night. But she always returned; she was a domestic cat at heart. One day, she met a stray tom named Gate. Gate was a loner, a semi-feral tom who was well-used to twolegs and of kindly disposition. The two had a long, interesting conversation and then parted ways.

But Isis began going out to the front step more and more often, mainly to meet Gate. Her twoleg began putting food out for the friendly tom, giving him yet another excuse to stop by. Almost inevitably, the two cats fell in love--old-fashioned, romantic-movie-style, really. Isis's twoleg did not believe in fixing his cats, since he thought animals should stay whole and untampered with, so Isis soon found herself pregnant.

She had three kittens. Two, she named Bastet and Horus (a very masculine name for a she-kit, but Isis liked it); the other was named Firefly by Gate.

Horus was lively from the time she could first open her eyes. She was particularly close to her mother, while Firefly was closer to Gate and Bastet was close to no one. She, Bastet, was the leader of the kits--she was bold and brash and daring, while Firefly was sweet and lazy, a follower by nature, and Horus was just curious.

Together, the three kits explored the house they were born to. Like any average kitten, they fought often (and loved it), they poked their nose into everything, and they conspired to get outside. Isis guarded them with a sharp eye, while Gate was taken to pacing along outside in case they escaped.

They upset the dog that lived upstairs and knocked over their owner's Egyptian-style vase and pulled books off the library shelves. They hunted crickets and spiders in the basement and listened to their mother and their owner tell stories and tried to steal twoleg food from the plates.

Basically, they were kittens. Lively, energetic, healthy kittens.

But soon the real good times ended. The twoleg, who was older than ever now, did not want so many animals to pick up after. He give Firefly and Bastet to neice and a friend of his, and Horus never saw them again.

Feeling more lonely than she could remember, Horus sought solace in stories. She had her mother tell her tales (her favorites were fables, like Aesops's, followed closely by adventure stories) over and over again until she memorized them; she had her mother make up new ones when she did. Her mother was very creative.

When she was almost six months old, she, like her mother, began taking forays from her home. Her father approved of his daughter's adventurous spirit, and despite Isis's worries, he started bringing her along on explorations of the twolegplace. He showed her the best places to find food if she was ever locked outside the house, and the best places for shelter; he introduced her to friends of his, other kittypets and semi-ferals like himself, and instructed her on the sort of cat to stay away from. From him, she learned more thrilling true stories about wild cats in the woods and savage feral cats roaming abroad. Horus wanted to meet a feral cat, but Gate refused paws-down to let her go beyond the twolegplace, even with him as an escort.

Silly Gate. Horus went anyway.

She slipped out, but never roamed too far. Still, something in her was curious about what was beyond the trees she saw, and she still wanted to meet a feral cat. Horus always returned home to eat and sleep and enjoy her comfortable life, but she was part semi-feral and partly an outdoor cat herself, and she wanted to take part in her own adventure. A little one would do nicely, but the bigger the better.

Horus stepped down from her position as a page in Pendragon's Court at the end of June, citing her desires for freedom and exploration to the King. He granted her request and set her free to explore, making it clear he would welcome her back if she should wish to take up her duties again when the wanderlust left her.
Sire :
Gate (A light ginger tabby tom with vivid yellow eyes)
Dame :
Isis (A fawn she-cat with white paws and green eyes)
Full Siblings :
Bastet (A pale golden tabby she-cat with dark green eyes)
Fionnuala (A cream bicolor queen with faint stripes and yellow-green eyes wearing a white collar)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Horus
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details