
Difference between revisions of "Isis"

From Children of StarClan

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Latest revision as of 01:48, 6 June 2017

This character has been Confiscated.
Unknown confiscated it on 10 May 2017 due to Player has not appeared on the site for a significant period of time..
A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A She-cat by Unknown Tom out of Unknown QueenBorn and dubbed Isis in the Moon of Tiger's Wrath (2004)
Living at the age of 71 Moons (5 years & 6 months)
Short Description :
A fawn she-cat with white paws and green eyes
Long Description :
Isis is a fawn she-cat with dainty white paws. Her well-groomed coat is unblemished and shines with health. The she-cat's almond-shaped eyes are the forest green of sunlight streaming through a canopy of leaves. Though slim when she was younger, the easy life as a house pet has lent her a soft, rather tubby appearance.
Isis is a sincere, tender-hearted she-cat who cares deeply for her family. Protective and a fair bit clingy, she lives in near-constant worry over their safety. Now that two of her three children are gone and her mate is missing, Isis hovers over her last remaining daughter, Horus, and does her best to keep her close, fearing to lose her as well. She can come across as overprotective at times, but she just wants her daughter to be safe.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Isis has lived in the home of her Twoleg owner for virtually all her life, and has led a luxurious, comfortable existence. Though she occasionally steps outside to breathe the evening air, she rarely goes beyond her front steps, being a housecat through-and-through. One day, while perched on the railing of the front steps, Isis caught the sight of a passing semi-feral tom, Gate. The two greeted each other and were soon engaged in a lengthy conversation. After that night, Gate and Isis began meeting daily, and they slowly fell in love.

Isis found herself heavy with Gate's kittens before long, and their three daughters were born in the Moon of Long Sun (2006) in Isis' house. The parents' days were then filled with raucous kit-mischief, and Isis and Gate had to keep a close eye on their high-spirited children to make sure they wouldn't wander outside. Isis loved all her children, but developed a special bond with Horus. All in all, the family was happy. That is, until her Twoleg gave Firefly and Bastet away to his niece.

Isis's anxiety over her family redoubled with the loss of two of her daughters, and she started fussing over Horus and Gate more than ever before. She was not pleased when her mate began taking their last child on explorations of the outside, but at last she conceded, though she insisted that Horus always return to the Twoleg house.

When Gate did not visit Isis and Horus one day in the Moon of First Fishing (2008), Isis was, for once, not worried; she knew well of her mate's tendency to wander the neighborhood, and Gate had spent nights away from his family before. But when days melted into weeks without any sign of Gate, Isis grew uneasy. When at last another moon had gone by, she finally went out into the dreaded outdoors to search Whitehart for him, but it was as if Gate had disappeared. Isis had to eventually give up and go back into the house. Now, as the days go by, her hope of seeing Gate ever again is steadily waning. She misses him badly, and wishes desperately to know where he is, if he even is still alive. For now, she curls up in her Twoleg nest where she lives with Horus and her owner, and awaits his return. She desperately keeps her remaining daughter close, in fear of losing her.
Sire :
Unknown Tom (A NPC character of no consequence)
Dame :
Unknown Queen (A NPC character of no consequence)
Offspring :
Bastet (A pale golden tabby she-cat with dark green eyes)
Horus (A ruddy-gold tabby she-cat with a white foot and an incessant curiosity)
Fionnuala (A cream bicolor queen with faint stripes and yellow-green eyes wearing a white collar)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Isis Unknown Tom Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Unknown Queen Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Gate (A light ginger tabby tom with vivid yellow eyes)
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Isis
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Isis
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details