

From Children of StarClan

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This character has been Confiscated.
Unknown confiscated it on 10 May 2017 due to Player has not appeared on the site for a significant period of time..
A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Semi-feral cat
A sworn subject of the Kingdom of Camelot
A Tom by Quake out of FlowerBorn and dubbed Berry in the Moon of First Green (2008)
Living at the age of 16 Moons (1 year & 3 months)
Short Description :
A gray classic tabby tom bicolor with yellow eyes
Long Description :
Berry is a mostly grey and white cat, with a very little bit of a gray so dark it looks almost black. He has a grey back and a white furry underside. He has many other markings on his side. Both sides have the same pattern. He has a grey rectangle-like shape in the center of his side. A grey mark coming from his back goes down, and then turns upward away from the head and joins with the far side of the rectangle. Another grey one from closer to the head joins up with that line. Another grey mark goes up, across and down around the rectangle. He has yellow eyes. His whiskers are long. His ears are average for a cat. His paws and legs are white. His tail is striped grey and and the dark shade of gray. His head is mostly grey, white underneath and the usual tabby markings an his head (a sort of M at the top and some stripes near the bottom) are dark gray. There are smaller markings that are a lighter shade of gray leading down from his back to where his legs start.
Berry's curiosity can overwhelm him. He loves to ask questions and try new things. He is a quiet, shy type, and does not speak often, mostly to ask questions. He enjoys to hunt. He is quick to learn. He gets scared easily but quickly gets over fears.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Berry was born on the 7th of April 2008. He never met his sire and his brother was stillborn. He was limited to the milk of his dame living in the forest near Shadowclan until he was 8 weeks old and he always wanted more. When he was 1 moon old he started to learn how to hunt, and like always he was a good learner. When he was 5 moons old, he realized how good his life had been when his dame died. When she did, he was alone in mourning. For the next moon, life was hard, but after that he learned to live on his own. On the 6th of October 2008 he wandered into clan territory near Shadowclan while hunting, and they warned him to leave. After that he was more wary of the clans and made sure to check scents every now and then. When he was 10 moons old he heard about the cats of Camelot.
Sire :
Quake (A stocky pointed she-cat with a kinked tail and blue eyes)
Dame :
Flower (No Sdesc on File)
Full Siblings :
Unnamed tom
Genealogy & Pedigree
Berry Quake Unknown Tom
Unknown Queen
Flower Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Detailed Genealogical Tree

Navigation: Index Genealogy Berry

Genealogy Department
Department Mission
  • Create and record family trees for each character, showcased with user-friendly templates that allow easy edits by any user.User:Fae~o~the~Wind
Other Departments

Unknown Tom
Unknown Queen
Unknown Tom
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Links :
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Berry
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Berry
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details