

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 16:21, 4 March 2011 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs)

Template:Confiscated No Character exists with the name ???

A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Senior Warrior of ShadowClan
A Tom by Blueleaf out of Creamfang
Short Description :
Short Description will be provided after approval
Long Description :
Lionheart is a long haired cream ticked tabby tom. His fur is very long, and often gets very hard to clean, especially during very icy or dusty weather. The cream of his fur is a rich golden color, blending in perfectly with the setting sun. The hairs on his pelt are cream at the tips, and are ticked, showing darker stripes of cream on his pale cream base-hairs. The tabby stripes on his pelt are a slightly darker color than the pale gold of his fur, and they occur between his eyes. He also has a few stripes on his joints. His eyes are a rich, amber gold - oftentimes, in the right light, they are identical to the fawn of his pelt.
Once an outgoing, impulsive cat, the death of his sister many moons ago has seen the once-brash tom shelve his former ways. He has become a more reserved cat, providing a polite front to the rest of his Clan. His happiness is a melancholy one, and it's not unusual to find the tom simply spending time alone - brooding, or simply thinking. He is reluctant to bring up his past, even when asked; usually finding a way to divert the question to another subject. Lionheart tends to be judgmental of other cats, either dismissing them or admiring them with split-second decision. Because of his polite and respectful nature, the tom is a good cat to confide in - but he becomes irritable if too much is said about another cat's suffering.

Fighting over countless moons with other Clans has left him accustomed to battle, but his experiences with his mother and sister's death have left him jaded to the very idea of fighting. Though the Warrior Code forbids needless death, it is too often that accidents could happen; and Lionheart has always feared that he could inflict the same suffering that he himself struggles through onto another cat. Ever since his near death encounter with Blackstar, he has been ever more cautious about how he reacts during battles.
Key Dates  
Full History :
As the light faded one new-leaf evening, two new kits joined ShadowClan's ranks. However, no matter what the medicine cat tried to do, the dam of the litter lay dying. As Creamfang's life blood slowly seeped from her body, she named one of her two kits with her last breath. Lightkit, the she-cat in the litter, was the kit Creamfang named. Blueleaf, the 38 moon old sire of the litter, was a senior warrior who had mentored two apprentices in his life. He watched silently as his beloved mate slipped away, just as the sun had started to set. Creamfang had been a relatively young warrior of 27 moons when her kits had been born. Blueleaf named his son Oakkit, after his mother had died giving life to him. Luckily, another queen who had just given birth but lost her kits, volunteered to suckle them. Oakkit would never know his sire, for Blueleaf slipped away late that night, and was never seen again.

Oakkit, the more boisterous of the two, would never get over the abandonment of his father. He was eager to prove that Blueleaf's kits were no traitorous cowards who would abandon ShadowClan, and that Creamfang's sacrifice would be paid in full. He pushed himself hard, even as a kit; apprenticeship saw him becoming even more brash and demanding on himself - and his sister. Lightpaw was a good apprentice, agreeable and quick with her training. She saw no reason for Oakpaw's demands on himself; yet she loved her brother. So she humored him, and used her influence with him to keep him in line and mitigate his damage - when she could.

One day they were on a hunting patrol, he and she; they had branched out from their mentors, hunting in an area that was normally avoided by the Clan because of a badger's den close by. Only halfway through their training, Oakpaw was eager to prove their use to ShadowClan as hunters, and had coaxed his sister into joining him as he strayed further and further away from the safer areas. It was always just one bit of prey more, though the two had caught more than enough to make their mentors proud. Lightpaw had tried to point this out, but Oakpaw refused to listen; ordering her to take one last frog, while he hunted for a vole. She humored him, as she had always done before; it would be the last time. The badger struck out of nowhere - and one half-trained, small apprentice was easy prey indeed. Oakpaw's heart froze as he came upon the attack; all he did was turn and run, back to the Hunting Patrol. By the time help arrived, it was far too late. Lightpaw's body was never recovered.

Oakpaw was beyond devastated. Not only had his brashness killed his beloved sister, his only kin; but when faced with true danger, he had done what he felt other cats expected him to do - turned and ran, just like his father. The apprentice became withdrawn, a shadow of his former self; fey and sulking; completing his duties admirably, but with little joy or pride. Because of his recklessness involving the badger, the tom's warriorship was delayed for a few months more. He was given the name Oakheart; fitting, in his eyes, yet it only made him wish that his sister had been standing beside him.

The pain of her death has long worn to a dull ache, but the circumstances surrounding it is as fresh in his mind as if it were only yesterday. While he eventually became drawn from his shell, the tom is careful not to bring up the past; and he occasionally retreats back into his brooding if a stray memory or feeling crops up. However, receiving the name Lionheart lifted his spirits, since he had left his old name and his past behind him.

In the Moon of Cheetah's flight (2007), Whitestar was found dead, and Elmcloud, now Elmstar, rose to the position of leader, naming Lionheart his deputy. However, during a misunderstanding with Blackstar, WindClan's leader lashed out almost fatally, thinking Lionheart was responsible for the death of Spicestretch, a WindClan warrior that had been found dead just over the border, and Lionheart's leg was injured very bady, causing him to give up his apprentice, Bearpaw, now Bearshine, and step down from deputy position. To this day, his leg has gotten better, and he hopes that he shall receive an apprentice to prove that he is still useful to the clan.
Sire :
Blueleaf (A blue tabby tom with gray-blue eyes)
Dame :
Creamfang (A cream longhaired she-cat with yellow-green eyes)
Full Siblings :
Lightpaw (A dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Bearshine (A dark brown tabby tom with white legs and pale amber eyes)
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
About Lionheart
By Lionheart: Fogdancer -
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Lionheart
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details

This cat is Warborn.

This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Lionheart is a Male cat with Long Cream Ticked Tabby fur.
He is of Medium size and Semi-cobby build. He has Amber eyes and a Normal tail. He is of non-purebred decent.