

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 16:17, 4 August 2008 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs)




image: Enter the filename of an image that is uploaded to CoSC Wiki.
player: Your Username. Just your username, nothing else.
clan: If your character is a member of any clan, enter the name of that clan (including the word 'Clan'). Do not enclose the clan in [[wikilinks]]. If your character is not a member of a clan, leave this field blank.
clanrank: If your character is currently a member of any clan, and holds a rank there, enter than rank here. If your character is not a member of a clan, leave this field blank.
camelot: If your character is a member of the Cats of Camelot enter their rank in the group in this field. If your character is not a member of the Cats of Camelot, leave this field blank.
clanless: If your character is not a member of any group, enter their rank (Feral, Semi-feral, Domestic) as a clanless cat here. If your character is not a member of a clan, leave this field blank.
status: Enter living or dead as appropriate. Leaving it blank will result in it reading 'Unspecified'.
gender: Enter either She-cat or Tom, as appropriate for the character. Leave blank if you would like to list it as unspecified.
born: Use the full name of the moon. (IE: Moon of Tiger's Wrath (2005)) leave this line blank if you are not sure how to fill it out, and it will display as Unspecified.
bornnum: The number assigned to the moon of the character's birth. To figure out the number that corresponds to that moon, use the handy Guide.
app: If your character is a member of a Clan, and was apprenticed, enter the full name of the moon (IE: Moon of Running Prey (2006)). Otherwise, leave this line blank and it will not be displayed.
warrior: If your character is a member of a Clan, and was made a warrior, enter the full name of the moon your character was given its warrior name in. Otherwise, leave this line blank and it will not be displayed.
medcat: If your character is a member of a Clan, and was made a Medicine Cat, enter the full name of the moon your character was given its Adult name in. Otherwise, leave this line blank and it will not be displayed.
deputy: If your character is a member of a Clan, and was made a Deputy, enter the full name of the moon your character was declared deputy in. Otherwise, leave this line blank and it will not be displayed.
leader: If your character is a member of a Clan, and was made a Leader, enter the full name of the moon your character was given its Leader name in. Otherwise, leave this line blank and it will not be displayed.
elder: If your character is a member of a Clan, and was made an elder, enter the full name of the moon your character was given its elder name in. Otherwise, leave this line blank and it will not be displayed.
death: If your character is a member of a Clan, and has died, enter the full name of the moon your character died in. Otherwise, leave this line blank and it will not be displayed.
sheeturl: Copy & Paste the full URL of the character's sheet on the main CoSC website.
otherlinks: Enter links to other images or notable items related to the character in [url1 name1]<BR>[url2 name2] style format. Leave this blank and the field will not be included.
introduction: will provide a brief into that will start with 'Character is ...', with the text provided replacing the ellipse.
namehistory: create a bullet-ed list listing the name progression of your character in accordance with the Instructions on creating the list.
personality: Enter the personality you would like attributed to your character, with a : before each paragraph to indent it.
appearance: Enter the appearance you would like attributed to your character, with a : before each paragraph to indent it.
history: Enter the history of your character, with a : before each paragraph to indent it.
familytree: Enter the title of the page on which the appropriate Genealogy for your character is stored. If your character's tree has not yet been made, then simply leave it blank until the Genealogy team gets to it.
sire: List the name of your character's sire, which may not appear already on the Character List unless you have express permission (publicly posted on family finder) to create a sibling or relative of another character.
dame: List the name of your character's dame, which may not appear already on the Character List unless you have express permission (publicly posted on family finder) to create a sibling or relative of another character.
mate: List the name of your character's mate (if any). Remember that this must have IC evidence to back it up, and must be actively RPed. If your character has no mate, simply leave the field blank.
fullsib: List all full-blooded siblings of your character. Please place a <BR> tag between each entry. Remember to link your siblings properly (IE: [[Character:NAME|]]). If you have none, simply leave the field blank.

Played by: [[User:{{{player}}}|{{{player}}}]]
Vital Stats
By [[Character:Unknown Tom|]] out of [[Character:Unknown Queen|]]
Age: 124
Status: Unspecified
Gender: Unspecified
Important Dates
Born: Unspecified
Short Description
The Character Template Sdesc Page.
Character is . . .

Name History

Coming Soon



Coming Soon


Coming Soon


Coming Soon



A family tree is not yet available for this character


Sire: [[Character:Unknown Tom|]] (A NPC character of no consequence)
Dame: [[Character:Unknown Queen|]] (A NPC character of no consequence)

Paternal Half-Siblings:
Maternal Half-Siblings:
Other Family:

More on the Character

Vox Populi