
Pregnancy (Unwanted)

From Children of StarClan

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is in relation to a role playing game based on a fictional book series. None of the information provided herein should be used to treat yourself or your pets. Please consult someone trained in first aid, Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, or another appropriate professional before attempting to treat a living creature.
Pregnancy (Unwanted)
Complaint: Pregnancy (Unwanted)
Human Equivalent: Unwanted Pregnancy
Description: While the majority of pregnancies amongst the cats are desirable, there are occasions in which the condition might be deadly to the Queen, or the result of a situation that is unavoidable. The majority of Medicine Cats do not favor the termination of pregnancy when other options are available.
Duration: Mild: 1 to 3 Quarter Moons prior to treatment. (A 1st Trimester Pregnancy)
Moderate: 1 to 2 Moons prior to treatment. (A 2nd Trimester Pregnancy)
Severe: 2 to 3 Moons prior to treatment. (A 3rd Trimester Pregnancy)
Treatment: Mild: Dose the queen with the Leaves and Flowers of the Tansy at the three sun points (Dawn, Sunhigh, Dusk) until the cats normal cycle is induced.
Moderate: As a Mild Case.
Severe: As a Mild Case.
Residual Effects: Mild: A quarter moon of physical weakness.
Moderate: A half moon of physical weakness.
Severe: A moon of physical weakness.
Possible Complications: Mild: Moderate chance of lowered fertility in the queen.
Mild chance of infection in the uterus of the Queen.
Moderate: High chance of lowered fertility in the queen.
Moderate chance of infection in the uterus of the Queen.
Severe: Very High chance of lowered fertility in the queen.
High chance of infection in the uterus of the Queen.
Notes: Admin Approval is Required prior to use of this complaint.
The later the pregnancy is terminated the high the dangers to the queen.
Related Herbs: Chervil,  Tansy,  Parsley,  Coriander,  Ginger,  Goldenseal,  Raspberry,  Basil
Related Symptoms: