
Approvals Process

From Children of StarClan

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Since most people have no idea what Kitsu does when she approves characters, she's going to try and explain the process she uses.

Processing Order

Kitsu favors the following order for processing characters, but keep in mind that situations are weighted and Kitsu does not always adhere strictly to this format.

  1. Returning and/or New Kit Characters
  2. Returning Clan Characters (Excluding Elders)
  3. New Clan Characters (Excluding Elders)
  4. Returning and/or New Clan Elder Characters
  5. Returning Clanless Characters
  6. New Clanless Characters

Clan Cat Processing (New Char)

Kitsu has a general process that she uses for creating a decline for a character she is seeing the first time.

  1. Skim the entire sheet to get an overview of the character.
  2. Check name against the Names Policy & Ensure it is uique.
  3. Check the age against the bans list.
  4. Check Clan & Rank against the bans list.
  5. Read the Personality.
    1. Check length.
    2. Return all powerplay instances.
    3. Ensure it makes sense against itself.
    4. Spelling & Grammar up to scratch?
  6. Read the Appearance.
    1. Check Length.
    2. Return all powerplay instances.
    3. Ensure it makes sense against itself.
    4. Ensure it works with Real Life Genetics.
    5. Spelling & grammar up to scratch?
  7. Read the History.
    1. Check length.
    2. Find/return all consent issues.
    3. Ensure it makes sense against world history.
    4. Ensure it backs up the personality.
    5. Ensure major scars are explained.
    6. Ensure it covers the entire life of the character.
    7. Ensure it makes sense against itself.
    8. Spelling & grammar up to scratch?
  8. Family
    1. Sire/Dame there?
    2. Check all family names against those already used.
    3. Ask for elimination on excessive named family members
  9. Respond to Player Notes, if needed.