
Mature Themes

From Children of StarClan

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Navigation: Index Administrative Mature Themes

The world of the clan cats is a harsh place, but that does not excuse the players of this game from responsible use of sensitive topics. In accordance we have created this document to explain our expectations and requirements for several sensitive subjects. These guidelines apply to both histories and role play.

Explanation of the Listings

Each entry will open with an explanation of the thing itself.

Every listing will then include several Restriction types (IE: Our expectations of people who will be able to get permission to play those things) that gives the restriction level of the item. Types will be separately addressed for each type of character (Clan, Non-clan, Ect). In some special cases the clan restrictions are split into inter (concerning 2 or more clans) and intra (within a single clan) levels.

Additional notes and comments concerning the item amongst the type of cat will frequently be included.

Restriction Types

  • SITUATIONAL: By special Admin approval only.
  • PARTICULARLY HEAVY: You must be a member in good standing with already approved characters, good RP Quality, a solid history with the game, and high quality IC justification must be provided.
    • Those marked with (HARD) will almost never be approved.
  • EXTREMELY HEAVY: You must be a member in good standing with already approved characters, good RP quality, and high quality IC justification must be provided.
  • HEAVY RESTRICTION: You must be a member in good standing with already approved characters, and high quality IC justification must be provided.
  • GENERAL RESTRICTION: You must be a member in good standing with already approved characters.

Mature Themes


Explanation: Infanticide, the killing of infants, is a highly sensitive subject. In accordance it must be dealt with carefully, as in many modern cultures infanticide is considered amongst the grossest forms of murder.

Clan Restriction Level: Situational

Notes: Clan characters, bound by strict honor and the like, consider every kitten very precious. Only sever situations would result in a Medicine Cat permitted infanticide.

Non-Clan Restriction Level: Particularly Heavy (Hard)

Notes: Being a sensitive subject, only those who can be trusted to address it most carefully, will be permitted to include this in their history or RP.

Murder - Combat

Explanation: Death is a side effect of combat, something that is not realistically avoidable. In accordance, it is given it's own classification to differentiate the nature of this class of murder from premeditated and intentional killing.

Intra-Clan Restriction Level: Situational

Notes: The death of a clan cat at the hands of a cat of it's own clan is not something we take lightly.

Inter-Clan Restriction Level: Heavy

Notes: With IC justification it is easy to permit the death of a cat in combat with another clan.

Non-Clan Restriction Level: Heavy

Notes: Feral and Semi-feral cats in violent combat would be rather common, and it makes sense that situations would result in deaths. Deaths amongst the domestic set would be less common (they have little reason to fight that intensely).

Murder - Premeditated

Explanation: Premeditated murder is the planned and intentional killing of another to achieve some end.

Intra-Clan Restriction Level: Situational

Notes: Murder within a clan will cause an uproar, and be a full blown plot within the clan. Being a big deal, situations must be addressed by the admins in a case-by-case manner.

Inter-Clan Restriction Level: Extremely Heavy Restriction

Notes: Between clans there is little cause for premeditated murder, but with justification such low-grade world plots might be permissible.

Non-Clan Restriction Level: Heavy Restriction

Notes: The harsher way of life, coupled with completely different morals makes murder something that can happen more frequently, but it still must be dealt with carefully with the rights over others and the good of the game in mind.


Explanation: With the deep violation of personal self, and the extreme violence of such an action, rape is a foul crime that CoSC intends both to keep uncommon and prevent the misrepresentation of this reprehensible act. Commonly amongst RP fandoms attempts are made to avoid the connotation of rape by renaming the act 'Forcebreeding'. CoSC standards firmly on the idea that changing the name does not alter the ideals behind it.

Clan Restriction Level: Particularly Heavy (Hard)

Notes: Clan society is tightly knit, and possess deep traditions that honor the rights of female cats. In accordance, rape will be restricted very heavily in clans.

Non-Clan Restriction Level: Situational

Notes: Being a highly sensitive subject, the act will be restricted on a case-by-case basis. Cases will be handled by the Administration team.


Explanation: Suicide, the killing of oneself, is a sensitive subject that must be dealt with in a way that addresses the feelings of those who have lived life close to this thing.

Clan Restriction Level: Situational

Notes: Given the clan cats tight society and perceptions of what consistences strength, suicide would be likened to murdering a member of your own clan (even though it is yourself). In light of this, administration will give permission for such an act, one that goes against the fiber of tribal society, on a case-by-case basis.

Non-Clan Restriction Level: Particularly Heavy (Hard)

Notes: Being a highly sensitive subject, the act will be restricted rather strictly. It defies the sense of survival the animals naturally possess, and in accordance will remain rare.