
Drusilla/Vox Populi

From Children of StarClan

< Character:Drusilla

Feel free to add here your characters' opinions on Drusilla.

Vox Populi

  • Bloodstar on Drusilla: Bloodstar finds her open signs of Moosegaze's death eating away her heart disgusting. He has no patience for this obsession with a cat who's dead; While remembering the dead is appropriate, dying with them is not.
  • Hopestorm on Drusilla: After the extraordinary events of the 25th of Running Prey and her subsequent exile Hopestorm was vindicated. When the attack happened she knew Drusilla should have been killed. Mercy left problems for the future.
  • Caligula on Drusilla: Caligula sees Drusilla as a parasite as much as a comrade. Although he views her desperate attachments towards others a bit off-putting, he is often amused at her passion to please him, even if he thinks of her as scatter-brained at times.
  • Zane on Drusilla: Zane finds Drusilla to be somewhat odd, but he kinda likes that about her. Her mistmatched eyes give her a clown-like appearance and are kinda distracting. She seems to have a lot of energy and speak her mind, which amuses him.