

From Children of StarClan

A Non-Player Character belonging to Unknown


A Neutered Tom by Julius out of HarrietBorn and dubbed Stewart* Killed by a predator in the Moon of Melting Waters (2007)
Dead at the age of Expression error: Missing operand for -. moons (Expression error: Unexpected < operator.)
and has been so for 31 moons (2 years & 5 months).
Short Description :
A black tuxedo tom with green eyes and sunburnt fur
Long Description :
He is what you call a tuxedo cat referring to the coloring and placing of his fur. He has black fur all the way down to his hackles where it changes to brilliant white. His underbelly has soft white fur that goes up and covers his chest and half his nose. He has dulled green eyes that are very dark. He only has one scar because he does not participate, in any fights. His black fur is not a true black, because when hit with sunlight it is mixed with dull reddish brown hairs.
He is very laid back and easy going, he likes things in life to be handed to him without a fight. Which is probably why he prefers kittypet food to fresh-kill. He has never felt the urge to go and try to join the forest.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Stewart was born very close to where he now lives, which is the third house in the town of Chelford. He was born in the local shelter for adopting cats and dogs. The sheltermen kept him there for 2 months until a family came in and requested him for their daughter, who was a very kind and gentle soul.

They took him to their nest and christened him Stewart. The family had one other house cat who was named Sheila. Sheila was a very proud cat and did not like having him in the house, at first. She soon though started to openly request his company and while he was young she taught him many things such as climbing trees. Although he did not realize it at first Sheila had a very large impact on him and he found that without her he would have been at complete loss.

Two very happy years passed with him and Sheila, but she was growing old and soon died from a complex case of cancer.Stewart?s housefolk put her down because she was in pain and if she had lived her life would have been miserable. Sheila died when she was 12 years old so Stewart did not immediately feel terrible about her death. He knew she had lived a very full and colorful life.

Life passed like movie scenes, the days moving by so fast they felt blurred. One Mid-winter day when he was starting to limit his time outdoors he tried to jump on the table but did not see the bread knife hanging perilously on the edge. When he was about to land his foot swung out and sliced the tip of the knife. His family, very worried about his health, rushed him to a veterinary center where he got emergency stitches because of so much bleeding. He recovered very well after surgery the only downfall was that he had to stay inside for a month to make sure he didn?t over exercise his leg and disengage the stitches.

After that setback he spent many weeks wandering the neighborhood and getting to know the other cats, he met a cat named Somarl and became good friends with him. Life became continual and that was the way he liked it. One day he went beyond his Twoleg fence and ventured into the forest with Somarl, they were seen by a ThunderClan patrol. As soon as the patrol caught a wiff of their scent, they tracked them to where they were hiding in nest of brambles and fiercely chased them out. Stewart spent the rest of his days making up fanciful stories with Somarl to tell to the kittens of the neighborhood who would gather in droves all with eager faces to hear that weeks story.

On the first day of the Moon of Melting Waters (2007), Stewart was killed by the Fisher.
Sire :
Julius (A ginger tom with green eyes)
Dame :
Harriet (A black bi-color she-cat with yellow-green eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
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Relationships :
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Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Stewart
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
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