

From Children of StarClan

This set of templates is intended to permit the creation and verification of litters.


|sire player=
|dame player=
|mating date=


sire - The name of the character siring the litter.
sire player - Username of the player of the sire.
dame - The name of the character bearing the litter.
dame player - Username of the player of the dame.
mating date - IC Date of the mating that would result in the litter.
info - Proof of the legitimacy of the mating, including thread links and general information about the pairing. Be as detailed as possible, please.


Sire: Unknown Tom played by Unknown
Short Description: A NPC character of no consequence
Genotype: Genotype Required
Dame: Unknown Queen played by Unknown
Short Description: A NPC character of no consequence
Genotype: Genotype Required
Mating Date: Not Provided
Information: Not Provided