
NPC Info

From Children of StarClan

Used to list information on an NPC that is not named.


{{NPC Info|char=|rel=|sire=|dame=|other=|notes=|sdesc=|familytree=}}


char = The name of the character this one is related to.
rel = How the character being offered is related to the character defined already (IE: Sister, Brother, ect)
sire = Name of the Character's Sire.
dame = Name of the Character's Dame.
other = A list of other relatives, made using the {{Name}} template, and separated by <BR> tags. Preferably will include notes describing the relationships, too.
notes = Notes about the relationship between the characters. Usually references the main character's sheet.
sdesc = Short Description of the Character being Offered.
familytree = The family tree the offered character is a part of.


Known Information About Unknown's Relative
Sire: Unknown Tom Dame: Unknown Queen
Other Family: None

Notes on Relationship: None Provided

Short Description: None Provided