- image: Enter the filename of the image for the predator.
- desc: Enter a physical description of the predator, being as detailed as possible.
- stats: Enter the physical statistics of the predator. Imperial measurements are to be used, and metric ones should be included in parenthesis.
- behavior: Enter a basic short description of the behaviors of the predator.
- social: Enter a brief listing of the predator's social structure.
- dangerle: Enter the Danger level of the predator. Acceptable levels - High, Medium, Low
- dangerde: Enter the details of the predator's danger level. Common answers - Deadly to all cats, All cats are vulnerable, Very young and old are vulnerable, etc. Please maintain that sort of style.
- dangerex: A more detailed explanation about why the character is dangerous.
- approvalle: Enter the approval level of the predator. Acceptable levels - None, Moderator, Administrator
- approvalex: Enter the reason for the approval level.
Additional Templates: {{Predator/other}}, {{Predator/common}}, {{Predator/scientific}}, {{Predator/redirect}} & {{Predator/catnames}}