
Fogdancer/Archive 1

From Children of StarClan

< User:Fogdancer

(WITHDRAWN) Adoption Offer from Fogdancer

I think I'd be a good fit for playing Bayshine because, first off, I love his character. The good nature and playfulness, plus his love for his mate and his physical large size, make him the first of his kind I've seen on this site so far. He reminds me of Graystripe---who doesn't like Graystripe?---with his attitude. I really would like to take over playing him out, giving him some more of the limelight he's been missing while he's sitting in the Adoption Center. I'd like to play him alongside his kits, teasing and fooling around with them, watching them grow. Even if Sootypelt doesn't get out much, Bayshine is such the social cat as to make up for that. He needs to get out into the sunshine and enjoy his time on earth. He's still young---I don't want him to languish away.
Fogdancer 00:07, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

EDIT: I've been offered one of Silverdust/Blackstar's kits, and as that's my last slot, I'll have to withdraw this offer to avoid bending the rules. Fogdancer 01:12, 25 December 2008 (UTC)