Character talk

Paladin/Archive 1

From Children of StarClan

Check Results - 12 September 2010


  • not a very friendly cat - Mild powerplay.
  • He . . . cuts with his tongue as ferociously as his claws - Mild powerplay in forcing the view of his attitude as "ferocious".
  • He tends to hold himself with an air of superiority - Powerplay. Forces people to see his behavior as "superior" when they might just think he's a big dochebag.

Remember all questions should go to me.  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 07:47, 12 September 2010 (CDT)

Check Results - 22 September 2010


  • Paladin is not a very friendly cat, due to the fact that he is aggresive and often treats others poorly. - I still feel like this is a powerplay because it forces "not very friendly" as the conclusion. I suggest stripping out the conclusion and focusing on the reasons you feel others should see him this way.

OVERALL: Length - I'd like to see more length. He just barley meets minimums for personality, and does not meet them for Appearance and History (though for history it's a near thing). I prefer to see long, high quality non-clanners. Non-clan cats arn't the point of the game ;) Thus I like to see them pushed to higher quality to make them worthy of the privilege of going IC.

As always, send questions my way.  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 19:53, 22 September 2010 (CDT)