Reedpaw (Minnowleaf)/1
From Children of StarClan
Check Results - 16 August 2010
PERSONALITY: Lack Thereof - Please give at least some sort of indication of where his personality will develop. I understand that it's hard with kits, but please try.
APPEARANCE: Please Expand - It's currently very sparing, and I'd like to see a bit more of an effort to show that you were the right choice for the kitten.
FAMILY MEMBERS: Indents - The secret to intending so the lists look good is the use of (:) Colons.
Kitsufox Fox's Den 09:06, 16 August 2010 (CDT)
Recovery, August 2011
Whoa, I've had him for a year now... Anyways, I wasn't on this past while because I lost my Internet Connection, and couldn't leave an LOA at such short notice.