Character talk


From Children of StarClan

Check Results - 24 July 2009


  • His beloved mate, Ripplestream, thought otherwise; she saw that he really cared about his Clan, and he had taken it upon himself to show above and beyond that he was loyal to the core. - Her opinions have no place on his sheet.


  • moon of Tiger's Wrath (2005) during new-leaf - Tiger's Wrath is a part of Leaf-bare. (I really should put that somewhere outside of my head where people can see it... that the repeating names each belong to a specific season...)
  • Stormpaw began missing his friend Screamkit - Why? Whenever he wasn't busy with his training he'd be able to visit...
  • Stormpaw began calling her 'Ripple' - This honestly violates everything clan cats are about... Nicknames just aren't done in their society, where names are granted in religious type ceremonies.

Questions should be sent to me.

 Kitsufox  Fox's Den 20:49, 24 July 2009 (UTC)