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From Children of StarClan

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Bare-leaf has blown into the clan lands with a vengeance, driving prey into hiding and the four clans into desperate, hungry times. Thankfully, the four hunters have been vanquished, but their is little that can be done to stop the march of cold and snow as mother nature marches forward with her savage plan.<BR><noinclude>[[Category:Main Page Templates]]</noinclude>
The thinness of prey on the ground tries the patience of every clan, challenging even the best hunters to bring home enough to feed a significant number of cats. And now an omen has come to the clans, and this warning is barely in time to prepare for the harsh winds of a blizzard.<BR><noinclude>[[Category:Main Page Templates]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 23:29, 1 August 2013


The thinness of prey on the ground tries the patience of every clan, challenging even the best hunters to bring home enough to feed a significant number of cats. And now an omen has come to the clans, and this warning is barely in time to prepare for the harsh winds of a blizzard.