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From Children of StarClan

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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of ThunderClan
A Tom by Flamestreak out of TawnywingBorn Orangekit in the Moon of Melting Waters (2005)* Died of Illness in the Moon of Long Sun (2007)
Dead at the age of 31 moons (2 years & 5 months)
and has been so for 26 moons (2 years).
Short Description :
An orange van tom with very little color on his ears and green eyes
Long Description :
Orangepelt is a cat with an average-sized frame, with only slightly broad shoulders and longer legs and a long tail. His head is finely shaped, though, and he has large, triangular ears with furry tufts at their pointed tips. His jaw is strong and well-defined, and his muzzle is marked with the scars of former battles. Orangepelt's claws are medium length, as well, but are sharp as any cat's. His whiskers are longer than most cats' and he is missing some of them, another result of his warfaring days. Along his flank and haunches are more old wounds and slashes, giving him a slightly menacing appearance. Now, his pelt is shorthaired and somewhat smooth in texture. It has a base color of creamy white, but is flecked, near the tail area, with a dark ginger. His entire tail is the same shaded ginger hue. Orangepelt's eyes are narrow-looking, and the pupils are more slitlike. The tinted green gaze he was blessed with is rich and young, unlike the rest of his white and orange figure, which is streaked with silver fur and battlescars.
Orangepelt seems to be your average cat. His outward personality is friendly, good-natured, and a little laid-back, but he is much more than that. This cat is not actually hostile, but he isn't too open with any of the other Clans, and he usually refrains from speaking to them too much, or becoming too friendly with cats in any of the other Clans. Orangepelt is not a leader, but more of a follower, though he is grudging to take orders from anyone but his leader or deputy. He does not openly challenge anyone of higher authority than him, but in his mind he lets his opinions flow. He is, basically, a cat with a little wisdom behind him and a warm personality. He can be a little strict to younger cats - especially impudent ones - but that is only his personality. He does not try to be the leader and is ambitious only for the sake and goodness of his Clan. Orangepelt is not a goody-goody, and if his leader were to take them into battle with another Clan - even if for no reason - he would fight without question. In this way, he is pretty much an average Clan warrior.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Orangekit was born on a chilling leaf-bare day, where the wind was cold and the sunlight was clear, if not warming. A she-cat with a tabby coat and white patches was standing outside the nursery, getting some fresh air; she had told the other queen she was feeling queasy. There, the ThunderClan queen gave birth to a single kit, which she felt was unhealthy, though Tawnywing, the queen, was relieved to have had him alive. She dubbed him Orangekit, for his ginger-splotched pelt. Flamestreak, the kit's father, was proud, but from a distance, and was not exactly a participant in his son's life.

After six moons of being cared for by his mother, Orangekit was apprenticed, as Orangepaw. His mentor's name was Grayfoot, a medium-aged tom with solid gray fur and bright blue eyes that shone like polished stone. Orangepaw was apprenticed during the time of fierce warfare, and the Clans were continuously at battle with each other. Grayfoot was constantly training with him, in case of deadly battle at any moment of the day, as all of the mentors had trained their own apprentices. Orangepaw and the rest of the apprentices were soon ready for warriorhood; still, he was not made a warrior until he was nearly as big as his mentor, and by that time Grayfoot was almost too old to be a warrior. Orangepaw was made Orangepelt just as a new litter was born to the Clan. They called the kit 'Markedkit', but the ginger-furred warrior didn't really know her. Around this time, Bloodpelt, the deputy of ThunderClan, evolved into the leader, Bloodstar, and Orangepelt continues to reside under his leadership.
Sire :
Flamestreak (A red tabby van tom with yellow eyes)
Dame :
Tawnywing (A ginger tabby she-cat with white patches)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Orangepelt
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details