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From Children of StarClan

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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of ShadowClan
A Tom by Emberspark out of SpiderbreathBorn Littlekit in the Moon of Running Prey (2004)* Died of Illness in the Moon of Long Sun (2007)
Dead at the age of 41 moons (3 years & 2 months)
and has been so for 26 moons (2 years).
Short Description :
A somewhat paranoid black tabby tom with hazel-blue eyes
Long Description :
Reedwhistle’s coat is a rather usual gray tabby pattern. His fur is all quite long, soft and barely groomed by himself, but it hangs loosely so he has a shaggier look about his shoulders and undersides and such, and they cover the scars on his back and tail. The right of his face is the lightest shade of blue-gray about him, with dark slate-gray tabby stripes giving his brow a rather cold look. Everything else on his head is a rather regular mix of thick black tabby stripes on a darker gray. He has a streak of white on the back of his left ear. His underside is a light gray covered with dark stripes, as is his right fore and back leg. The other legs are much more concentrated with jagged dark stripes. His dark, almost black ears are very tall and batty. His striped tail is strangely short, and ended by a streak of white. Reedwhistle's paws are quite large and blundering and yet his legs are on the slim and well-muscled side. His eyes are deep-set and surrounded by a lightly rusty white that bring out his eyes well. They are the color of dying reeds--blued-over amber which sparkle only when he tilts his head to the stars.
Reedwhistle, ever since he was a little kit, has always been a rather bold cat. Although he is obedient to the needs of his leader and the needs of his clan, one can tell from how he acts and moves that he doesn’t much favour the idea of marching off into the unknown. However, Reedwhistle usually keeps his muzzle shut so long as the mission at hand doesn’t sound too dangerous. He’s loyal to ShadowClan, but deeper than that is a need to stay safe and keep the rest of the clan on the alert for danger, which could be lurking behind every innocent tree stump, any patch of tall grass, any marsh or pond. He understands that the cats that die in battle are honoured as heroes, but he isn’t crazy about the idea, especially seeing as other warriors are only to kill if they have no choice. He does his best to stay with the code, but sometimes he inadvertently finds himself down the path of breaking the code, and at that point he will usually scamper into camp for a quick visit with everyone. He tends to be paranoid, and needs the reassurance that everything is still working efficiently.

Reedwhistle’s tolerance of violators of the warrior code is slim. This was made for the safety of the clan! He is known to be gruff with such cats, secretly finding them to be a potential danger to himself and others, although he will usually calm down after that cat has proven himself. Reedwhistle is much tougher with information than with following orders. He almost always follows orders from his superiors, but to get him to believe in information can be quite a challenge. Although it seems most cats are aware he is suspicious because he really has all right to be if they know little about the situation at paw, Reedwhistle can be seen as ignorant. He likes plain evidence spelled out: he wants to sniff the trespasser’s sent himself; he wants to see what this apprentice just did; he wants to check the marshes to see if they really are flooding himself.

In a better way, however, his need for proof means that whatever he says is usually true, or at least true of the developing situation. Reedwhistle is not quick to jump to conclusions, and although he usually gathers a lot of evidence, he isn’t much of a thinker. He is afraid to be wrong, because he knows being wrong can spell death and takes life very carefully. Thankfully for him, his need for confirmation is countered by his greater need for a safe path. So, is he were to disobey his leader to find out how the situation is going, this would break the warrior code, which was made for safety. He usually appears mild-mannered and patient, but in reality, he has a short temper for cats who think they can get away with anything. Reedwhistle tends to try to control situations, especially if the cat not in that rank isn’t there. He thinks that if any component of the clans were to go missing, if only for a day, every cat in his Clan would be at serious risk of getting hurt. In extremely tense and ambush sort of situations, he will attempt to take charge. Even when he is not in such a situation, he likes keeping an olive eye on all of the apprentices and kits, for which he feels responsibility for.

Reedwhistle would very much like children of his own, but he always feels weakest whenever he tries to get close to a she-cat. However, Reedwhistle does enjoy talking with other cats, as long as they watch what they’re saying; he also likes listening to gossip so he can offer to Whitestar if he can go check it out, just to make sure everything is okay. He also likes talking to the kits about the Great Clans and the warrior code, and why they need it. Reedwhistle prides himself on not having any sort of identity crisis, and feels he knows himself. However, one thing that does prick him is that he knows he can never be as courageous as the cats he tells about in his stories. Although he loves his clan, he wouldn’t be much use dead when it comes to catching prey and keeping an eye on the younger cats.

Admittedly, StarClan frightens him more than anything else. It would be so much responsibility! Reedwhsitle prefers to boldly speak the concerns of his clan, and face his problems eye-to-eye. He is rather mild-mannered, preferring to wait for the most information possible before taking action, and choosing carefully and logically what the next step should be. Although he does enjoy working with groups and speaking with other clans, it is obvious he prefers to see everything with his own eyes, and remains independent when it comes to finding out rumours. In the darkest part of him, he thinks that some cats are too dangerous for anyone’s good and ought to face a cold exile, learning why the code is always accounted as noble. Yet, Reedwhistle manages well enough despite his slightly neurotic behaviour, and he is extremely proud of ShadowClan and all of its decisions, including the keeping of Dogkit. He assumes Whitestar has a better idea of what she is doing than he does anyway, and she sure wouldn’t lead them to their uncertain destruction.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Reedwhistle was born as Littlekit to his mum, Spiderbreath, during a time when there were as many as five kits always with him. He always was the kit to be whining the elders for “just another story, pleeeeease?” He always had a fantastic time play-fighting with the other kits (he didn’t have any siblings of his own, so he was rather close to all of the other Clan members), although whenever the queens or watching cat thought that they were playing too roughly with him, seeing as he lived up to his name, Spiderbreath would usually come and scoop him away and groom him down. As Littlekit grew older, he was always trying to tell what he knew to the other kits, which made him out as a very mild-mannered, high-classed kit.

He also tried to tell the kits off if they looked like they were in a dangerous position, which didn’t always work because he wasn’t much older himself. Still, his bold and superior nature seemed to win over his need to make everything right, and it seemed that most kits rather liked him. Littlekit was apprenticed as Reedpaw, for the colour of his eyes. Most of his apprenticeship was during the war, which was unfortunate for him. He shared training with several cats; the war meant that more warriors needed to keep their duties. Reedpaw was always bugging his mentors with questions, and the usual response was something like “StarClan said so”, which was good enough for him. He was careful even as an apprentice, always sure to master everything he was being taught before going on to the next skill. However, he showed considerable loyalty when the rogues attacked. They killed both the previous leader and the deputy—and Reedwhistle’s father, Emberspark.

Reedpaw had shown the rogues off with a fair few scratches on the command of his future leader, and he knew he had to be glad. Had he not followed the orders of Whitestripe during the battle, he knew the Clan would have been destroyed entirely. The power struggle gave him enough time to hone his skills, and when Whitestripe came back from Mothermouth as Whitestar, he was awarded with a warrior name: Reedwhistle. As a warrior, he’s found the freedom to be quite mind-boggling. Reedwhistle feels that ShadowClan will always be safe as long as Whitestar and Ravenwing are there, seeing as Whitestar had kept the Clan working efficiently during and after the rogues’ attack. He wizened up during this time, learning more about the troubles over the Great War and basically offering himself as a cat to check up on any developing situations. Reedwhistle was rather known to be loyal over his own thoughts during this time, although nowadays he isn’t as afraid as to question whether it is safe and beneficial for any cat to go wandering off in the face of calamity.

The tom usually spent his time telling stories, doing his regular warrior duties, and speaking with the older warriors so he could understand what would help him get his own apprentice. It went on like this until an outbreak of greencough spread around the camp. Spiderbreath, Reedwhistle’s now-elder mother and closest confidant caught it, and age won over. She joined StarClan, but Reedwhistle had little time to mourn as he caught a mild form of whitecough. Thankfully, he was strong and young and pulled through. He never had any last words with his mother, or even got to sniff her fur before she died. Still, he is very reassured to know she watches him now in StarClan. Through all of the war, he’s been assigned to lower tasks which suit his lack of experience, so he’s basically been keeping a good eye on the apprentices in hopes of getting his own. When Dogkit came in, it was obvious he was trying to stop cats from seeing the pup. However, he soon learned about the pup himself, and decided to encourage his members to go see the dog. Now that things are peaceful, Reedwhistle hopes to be allowed to do more difficult tasks for his Clan.
Sire :
Emberspark (A red tabby tom with amber eyes)
Dame :
Spiderbreath (A black bi-color she-cat with blue eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Reedwhistle
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details