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From Children of StarClan

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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A She-cat by Mr. Gray out of CarolineBorn and dubbed Ofelia in the Moon of Leopard's Rest (2005)
Living at the age of 47 Moons (3 years & 7 months)
Short Description :
A white she-cat with pink eyes and a scar on her shoulder
Long Description :
Ofelia is pure white from nose to tail-tip. Her coat is thick and dense, accenting a slightly stocky frame. A line of raised hair marks a scar on one shoulder, relic of one particularly horrible trip to the vet. Her round, owlish eyes are slightly widely apart. None of these things are particularly unusual; it is her eye color that she considers her defining trait. For Ofelia is a rare cat: a true albino, lacking pigment anywhere on her body. Because of this, her large eyes are a raw red-pink color, occasionally gaining a slightly bluer cast in bright light. Not that this blue cast is often seen--her eyes are highly photosensitive, making sunlight particularly uncomfortable for her. This discomfort has forced her to adopt an almost completely nocturnal lifestyle.
Ofelia is summarily a gregarious and friendly she-cat. She actively seeks out other domestics to spend her time with, and has no qualms about wandering up to a cat she has never met before and proceeding to talk their ears off about something entirely random. She enjoys being the center of attention and thrives on the appreciation of others. She considers herself to be a poised, intelligent she-cat, and tries her best to impress this on every cat she meets.

She considers her self to be an expert on cat breeds. The topic fascinates her, and she is capible of reconizing most pure-bred cats not only by their breed, but also by their specific form--not just a Siamese but a seal point Siamese, for example. She admires blue-blooded cats as minor aristocrats, and most purebreds tend to automatically inspire a positive first impression in her simply because of their breed. Ofelia occasionally wishes she were purebred herself--it must be such a thing to be proud of. It isn't something she gets particularly passionate about, but sometimes she will claim she is a purebred Korat (she has a vaguely similar build through her father) to garner more respect from others. It is one of the few points she is willing to lie about.

She has a lively curiosity, especially when it concerns the lives of others; indeed, she could be considered a bit of a gossip. But there is little cruel or mean-spirited about her--she merely wants her fellow felines to see her as the sort of cat who knows a little bit about everything and everyone, and so rarely withholds knowledge. On the bright side, this trait makes her an honest cat (albeit one with little tact), and despite occasional bouts of stubborn selfishness, she cared deeply about those few she is close to.

Ofelia is confident, although it is the kind of confidence that may hide insecurities beneath the surface. She sometimes feels the need to shelve her social tendencies and steal some time alone; she usually takes long walks at times like this, delighting in the safety of her comfortable shadows. She loves the night, and, contrarily, lives in almost superstitious dread of the sunlight. She had long ago gotten the idea into her head that sunlight can harm her--an idea that is, incidentally, completely true. And even before she became afraid of it, she disliked sunlight because of what it did to her sensitive eyes. As a result, she leaves her home almost exclusively in the cover of nighttime.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Ofelia was born to a mother named Caroline, a nondescript tabby she-cat who had spent time in a shelter before finding housefolk of her own. Her father was a purebred Korat cat of admittedly poor quality--despite being a blue-blooded tom, he was not show quality, and was kept as a mere pet in lieu of any prize-winning abilities. His cursory meeting with Caroline resulted in a litter of four kittens, all of whom were adopted out to various families as soon as possible.

Ofelia was the youngest kit, and the only one in her litter with white fur. She was the first to leave her siblings; a young twoleg couple came and took her away not long after she was weaned. She never saw her parents or her siblings again. She did not even know their names: it was her housefolk who named her, not her mother.

She grew up as a safe and healthy kitten in her new home. All she had ever known was comfort and love from her housefolk, who positively adore her. They spoil her almost ridiculously with the best cat food and toys they could find, and often leave the TV on when they leave so that she can watch it. Once, Ofelia was fortunate enough to be napping on the couch when a program on cat breeds came on. She was swiftly pulled in: she found the concept fascinating. Who knew there could be so many kinds of cat? When her housefolk returned, they found her sitting directly in front of the TV, staring fixedly at the screen. Naturally, they assumed that the number of cats parading around on the program was what caught their interest, so they recorded it. The program became a sort of event: the housefolk would play it and watch as, slowly but surely, Ofelia would be pulled into the room and eventually find her way to the TV, her eyes wide and undeviating. It amused them, so they played it often. So many repititions eventually hammered every detail into Ofelia's brain, and from then on, she set out to learn as much as she could about cat breeds. She has advanced her knowledge a great deal since then, and considers herself a bit of an expert on the subject.

So that was how she spent her time: eating, sleeping, playing, and keeping her ears pricked for any mention of cats and their breeds. With very few exceptions, her life was placid and unchanging.

One such exception took place when she was sixteen moons old. One of her housefolk discovered a strange lump in one of Ofelia's shoulders, and feared that it was a sign of skin cancer brought on by too much sun exposure. Ofelia understood only some of what was going on, and one thing in particular was impressed upon her--that her red-pink eyes and her white fur meant that sunlight might make her sick.

Her twoleg whisked her to the vet, and at some point, the vet did something to make her sleep. Ofelia was terrified, but her fighting got her nowhere. When she awoke, her shoulder was stinging and the lump was gone. Her housefolks, relieved that the tumor had been benign, took her home.

The incident lingered in the albino she-cat's mind for a long time. From what she gleaned of her housefolks' conversations, sunlight could be a danger to her. She began to avoid it, at first absently and later with growing anxiety. Finally, she switched to her night lifestyle and managed to excise sunlight from her life almost completely. Only then did she feel comfortable: in her mind, the threat was gone, and her powerful night-sight meant that the darkness was no danger to her either.
Sire :
Mr. Gray (A gray furred tom with yellow eyes and a graying muzzle.)
Dame :
Caroline (A scruffy brown mackerel tabby she-cat with yellow-green eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Ofelia
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Ofelia is a Female cat with Short Albino fur.
She is of Medium size and Common build. She has Pink eyes and a Normal tail. She is of non-purebred decent.