
Difference between revisions of "Faye"

From Children of StarClan

(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|adoption=Confiscate Character
|condate=10 May 2017
|conreason=Player has not appeared on the site for a significant period of time.
|type=Player Character
|type=Player Character
|personality=Faye is a feline who follows her own beliefs without allowing others to undermine them in any way. She was raised with the ideals of the Wiccan religion embedded into her by her owners. She holds the Great Mother in high regards, obeys all Her traditions and rules without question or hesitance... but she does not tolerate those who look upon her beliefs as trash or attack her for what she believes in. Raised with the horror stories of hearing her kind hunted down and burned in flames have always scared her as a kit, and to this day raise an indignant anger within her whenever she is reminded about the intolerance of her kind.
|personality=Faye is a feline who follows her own beliefs without allowing others to undermine them in any way. She was raised with the ideals of the Wiccan religion embedded into her by her owners. She holds the Great Mother in high regards, obeys all Her traditions and rules without question or hesitance... but she does not tolerate those who look upon her beliefs as trash or attack her for what she believes in. Raised with the horror stories of hearing her kind hunted down and burned in flames have always scared her as a kit, and to this day raise an indignant anger within her whenever she is reminded about the intolerance of her kind.
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Days she traveled until she ran into a well manicured place called Whitehart where she ran into a black tom named Osiris. hey became quick friends and after getting to know the trusting tom she learned to respect him and his footing in Whitehart despite some occurrences where those of their kind were at slight risk. To avoid detection she started sniffing about a yard that belonged to the town minister. After days of appearing on his porch he began to feed her even though she refused to take a step inside his house. She prefers to keep to the yards of Whitehart, but occasionally wanders in the forest surrounding them, a new, eager place for her to explore.
Days she traveled until she ran into a well manicured place called Whitehart where she ran into a black tom named Osiris. hey became quick friends and after getting to know the trusting tom she learned to respect him and his footing in Whitehart despite some occurrences where those of their kind were at slight risk. To avoid detection she started sniffing about a yard that belonged to the town minister. After days of appearing on his porch he began to feed her even though she refused to take a step inside his house. She prefers to keep to the yards of Whitehart, but occasionally wanders in the forest surrounding them, a new, eager place for her to explore.
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|breed=Turkish Angorastaffslot=use
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|breed=Turkish Angorastaffslot=use
|date=10 May 2017
|reason=Player has not appeared on the site for a significant period of time.

Latest revision as of 12:44, 6 June 2017

This character has been Confiscated.
Unknown confiscated it on 10 May 2017 due to Player has not appeared on the site for a significant period of time..
A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A She-cat by Noah out of MabBorn and dubbed Faye in the Moon of First Green (2007)
Living at the age of 29 Moons (2 years & 3 months)
Short Description :
A long-legged, white furred Turkish Angora she-cat with blue eyes
Long Description :
Though her body is lean and tall, Faye's muscles are subtle and hard to distinguish beneath her medium length pelt. Her legs are long and steady, with the ability to maintain a trotting gait for a long time without tiring. Her pelt itself is white, pure white, like most of her Angora kin, while her eyes are of unsual hue: a dark blueish violet.
Faye is a feline who follows her own beliefs without allowing others to undermine them in any way. She was raised with the ideals of the Wiccan religion embedded into her by her owners. She holds the Great Mother in high regards, obeys all Her traditions and rules without question or hesitance... but she does not tolerate those who look upon her beliefs as trash or attack her for what she believes in. Raised with the horror stories of hearing her kind hunted down and burned in flames have always scared her as a kit, and to this day raise an indignant anger within her whenever she is reminded about the intolerance of her kind.

Faye is a cat that only does things against her beliefs as an act to keep her safe. She is closed minded in this way, having no ear for any arguments or debates that challenged or undermine her actions, or to any statement that she is in anyway ‘a pagan heretic against God’. In her mind, she can never be at the fault or blame for anything wrong. Forgiveness is a heavy price to give and receive; those who want her respect and tolerance must do so towards her. Eye for an eye.

Unlike her friend, Osiris, who is far wiser in his years, Faye regards those against her with the same disgust and animosity they show her. Likewise, those who are decent and kind to her with the most dearest sincerity will find a quick friend in this she-cat. Since she grew up without many true friends to call her own, she is very protective of those few and dear to her, and isn’t afraid about unsheathing her claws for a good cause. Faye can also go through the motions of using her words to her advantage should she find a need to.

Her usual demeanor is that of poise and soft words, but all that could change in the blink of an eye. Faye also has a sacred want of becoming a mother herself, seeing the transition into motherhood to be an honored duty that would bring her all that closer to the Great Mother herself and has experience watching over her neighbors kittens back when she lived in her old town.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Faye was born of a humble birth. Both her mother and father were purebred Turkish Angoras, but her father lived with a human and her mother, although confronted about staying in his owner's house, declined anything except an outdoor, independent life. She was owned by a rich woman, although she gained her wealth in unsavory practices. Her owner was caught by the officials and taken to jail. Mab escaped when the door was left open. Mab loved being outside in nature's grasp and held a very positive relationship with the seasons. She observed the stars, counted clouds, and hunted with youthful vigor. She was a young mother when she had Faye, about twelve moons, and never stopped loving her.

They visited her father on many occasions. They lived in a small, religious town with equally religious cats. Her father held strict Christian beliefs, but was also affectionate, if not a bit stern. He, however, was oblivious of Mab's dedication towards her own beliefs behind his back. She secretly raised her daughter on the beliefs and traditions of her pagan kin, even telling stories of how other treated her kind back many years ago. In righteous fire and smoke. Mab always knew to keep their religion secret for the horrors and hardships it could bring.

With plenty of food around the town, she took the risk of living there with her daughter and mate, although there was a time when Mab's secrecy slipped up. It was when she slipped away to observe a rare blue moon on the solstice that Noah observed strange words and unusual movements coming from his mate, enraptured with the night and smelling of strange herbs. Enraged but not foolish, the tom crept back into town to reveal his discovery about the she-cat who spoke witchcraft on their streets, watched their kits, and poisoned them with her ways.

When roused in the morning, the town's religious felines rose up against Mab. As punishment for her involvement, Faye was renamed Diana and Noah forced her to watch as the cats drove her mother from the town and further still, into the wilderness where rumored packs of dogs came to feast on the sinful. Horrified, the she-cat at twelve moons was brought to live with her father who diligently taught her the Word of the Bible and of God, of his awe and wrath. Inwardly, though, memories frozen on the paralyzed face of pride and fear on her mother, Faye refused to take her sire's words to heart. In mind she is capable of reciting verses from the book and knows the ways and traditions, prayers and ceremonies of any priest's cat, but her heart is led only by the compassion and quiet indignant rage of that of her Wiccan self.

She practiced when she could, when she knew her father was out (the priest took his cat with him when he preached at church on Sundays and when he went to the Old Folks home down the street) and kept herself updated as she furthered her mother's teachings. On Saturdays both her and her father would patrol the area of the town. It was on one of these outings that a dog broke free and escaped his yard and attacked them. As nimble as she was, her father was not so lucky, and fell victim to the dog, barely managing an escape before the dog became distracted and ran off.

Dying, Noah's leg and flank were badly damaged and left Faye with an important decision to make. She knew what herbs to use to prevent infection and dull pain, but if she were to help him, then he'd know that she still kept her mother's region close to her instead of embracing that of Christianity, which was all a clever (and practical) rouse. In a moment of anxiety Faye ran to get the ingredients before returning, chewing poultices. When Noah saw this he was shocked and angered. Silent, the look in his eyes told her that he was ashamed with her and as he lay there Faye decided it was best to take her leave gracefully than be hounded by her neighbors into the forest.

It was time to start a new life.

Faye turned towards the woods and continued on from there until she came to another nearby town where she met new cats, new faces, and kept up the act that she was a God fearing feline. However, there came a time where she realized that these cats were different, as they were less inclined to judge her based on religion. She became more open, more friendly as she desperately needed friends after what she was put through. She was asked to kit sit for young ones and she knew that eventually she wanted to become a mother of her own. After a moon surrounded by fences, however, she grew restless and returned to the forest separating her new life from her old.

When hunting she was jumped by a strange cat and the encounter immediately turned into a battle where her opponent sought to rip out her throat in an almost personal way. She she struck a disabling blow to his legs she realized that it was her father, too ashamed to return to his home from taking the aid of a witch. Her eyes hardened after this, witnessing the hatred of her kind for the second time, but before Noah could draw his last breath he uttered a warning. That soon, she would be surrounded by the fires of Hell and all those she loved dear would burn.

Quite by coincidence, Faye returned to her new home to see a house in flames, the fire crackling and devouring the human den and everyone inside it. Frantic she shouted out a prayer to the Mother, calling and calling to the cats and humans within. Then a raindrop hit her head, followed by another and another until a refreshing rainfall swept over the town putting out the fire. At that moment she knew that the Goddess had heard her. Her father was wrong. And her mind was set. She would prove that her beliefs brought happiness and safety while the curses uttered by her God fearing father only brought death and sorrow. Her friends had escaped, the humans were safe and Faye said her farewell to those she came to care for. She could no longer live in a place so close to her old home.

Days she traveled until she ran into a well manicured place called Whitehart where she ran into a black tom named Osiris. hey became quick friends and after getting to know the trusting tom she learned to respect him and his footing in Whitehart despite some occurrences where those of their kind were at slight risk. To avoid detection she started sniffing about a yard that belonged to the town minister. After days of appearing on his porch he began to feed her even though she refused to take a step inside his house. She prefers to keep to the yards of Whitehart, but occasionally wanders in the forest surrounding them, a new, eager place for her to explore.
Sire :
Noah (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Mab (No Sdesc on File)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Faye Noah Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Mab Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Faye
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Faye
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details