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A Player Character belonging to Kyndzee


Warrior of ShadowClan
A She-cat by Robinwing out of WaterclawBorn Stormkit in the Moon of Tiger's Wrath (2006)
Living at the age of 44 Moons (3 years & 5 months)
Short Description :
A longhaired gray bicolor she-cat with blue eyes
Long Description :
Lightningsplash is a longhaired she cat with a gray and white pelt. She is completely snow white with a gray tail and a gray 'cap' around her ears and surrounding her eyes. She has dark blue eyes the color of a cornflower; her muzzle is white and continues up onto her forehead into a fine point.
Lightningsplash can be a difficult cat to get along with. She has a personality that some may call fiery, or hot-headed. However, despite an aloof exterior, Lightningsplash internally struggles with a need for acceptance. Driven by a desire to outshine her rivals, the stormy she-cat feeds an inner fire through her training and determination. Such a passion is key to making a hardened warrior, yet, more often than not it pushes her to the sidelines of the clan; friendships do not come easily. If any cat is slow to perform to Lightningsplash's high standards, her temper is sometimes impossible to control. Hackles will raise and fiery words never fail to slip out of her maw, but she will never raise a paw to her clanmates; unless it is for a bout of training. It would come as a surprise to most if they were to discover the shame she feels when the battle to keep her temper in check is lost. Only a close few truly understand what drives her fire. With each passing moon, Lightningsplash learns to control her temper into something more manageable. A few friends are made, and the wild fear of acceptance fades with her kit-hood. Although managing her quick tongue is still something of a challenge, the she-cat has matured enough to at least be wiser with her fiery words. She hates to be bossed around, but has begrudgingly learned with time that she isn't the only one who is right; yet she still fights the idea tooth and nail on occasion.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Stormkit was born to her parents on a very cold leaf-bare day. Her mother gave her the name Stormkit due to her multi colored pelt, which reminded Robinwing of storm clouds. Robinwing and Waterclaw were blessed with two kits, however, when Stormkit was just a few hours old, her brother died. He was incredibly weak and it came as no surprise when he passed on. The loss, although expected, strongly affected Robinwing. Despite her mate's attempts to console her, she was never the same and lost any real desire to interact with her daughter at all.

Stormkit has always possessed a very 'fiery' temper. Her mother struggled to contain her daughter's unruly attitude, and simply could not keep up with the young kit. Stormkit's quick tongue and tendency to overreact caused Robinwing to retreat into herself, leaving her only daughter to freely speak her wild mind. Waterclaw did his best to curb the bad habits that the young she-kit was developing; and it was because of his determination that Stormkit was able to be tolerated within the camp. Stormkit, while respecting her father, took only some of what he said to heart and it wasn't until her mentor came into the picture that she learned any humility at all.

Stormpaw had a hard time during her apprentice-ship. She still allowed her temper to flare up unchecked and her constant need to be right drove away the other apprentices' attempts at friendship. But Riverwind decided that instead of letting Stormpaw's behavior irritate her, she would strive to channel it into her apprentice's training. Whenever Stormpaw attempted to upstage her mentor's teachings, Riverwind would take a seat and say, "Alright then, show me how it should be done." Most of the time Stormpaw made a complete fool of herself, often in front of the other apprentices. The strategy worked. And Stormpaw came to respect her mentor greatly, as she realized that Riverwind was a cat that understood her, but yet wanted to change Stormpaw's point of view towards life and other cats. Through this lesson, the young apprentice learned respect and how she needed to earn her place in the clan.

Lightningsplash became a warrior on a bright day in the Moon of Tiger's Wrath (2007). Her leader chose her name based on her personality and colorings. Lightning for her temper, and splash for the splashes of gray thrown on her snow-white pelt. Finally learning how to channel her temper into fight moves or unbreakable loyalty, she was now slightly more collected and calm. The only thing missing at her warrior ceremony, were her parents, who had died in one of the attacks of Sair Fen. Even though Lightningsplash loved her them, they had become all the more distant the last few moons, and so she did not feel a real loss.

Lightningsplash has finally began to branch out more in her clan. Rowanfall and Owlwing are truelly the only cats she will open herself up to. She enjoys the new life that she has as a warrior of ShadowClan, and looks forward to whatever lies ahead.
Sire :
Robinwing (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Waterclaw (No Sdesc on File)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Lightningsplash Robinwing Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Waterclaw Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Unnamed tom-kit
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Riverwind (No Sdesc on File)
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Lightningsplash
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Lightningsplash has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Lightningsplash is a Female cat with Long Gray Bicolor fur.
She is of Medium size and Common build. She has Blue eyes and a Normal tail. She is of non-purebred decent.