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From Children of StarClan

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|text=On the discussion page of this character post a request to recover your character, along with an explanation of why your activity level at the game has been null.
|start=25 May 2017
|end=1 June 2017
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Revision as of 01:55, 2 June 2017


A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Warrior of ShadowClan
A She-cat by Hawkclaw out of NightstormBorn Darkkit in the Moon of Tiger's Wrath (2007)
Living at the age of 32 Moons (2 years & 6 months)
Short Description :
A stocky back she-cat with a single white paw and blue eyes of mismatched shade
Long Description :
Perhaps her most noticeable trait is the odd pigmentation of her eyes; both are blue but each are a different shade. The right eye is a rich azure in colour, a striking contrast to the arctic blue-white of the left eye. Nightsong's right forepaw is white, exempt from the black colouration of the rest of her fur. She is noticeably smaller than the averaged-sized cat, but what she lacks in height is more than made up for by her muscular, powerful built. Her ears and paws both are seemingly too big for her body. The scars she bears speak loudly of her experience as a warrior, particularly the large tear in her left ear.
Moons and moons of experience have managed to erode Nightsong's arrogance and hard-headedness (to some extend, anyway) into something arguably more agreeable. Having lived through memorably harsh, bitter times in ShadowClan history, the warrior has shelved her inadequate sense of self-centredness and replaced it with a healthy confidence. She still enjoys being the centre of attention, but recognises that it is something that must be earned. Today, for better or for worse, Nighstong retains much of her impatient and reckless attitude. A young cat at heart, she is energetic and will not likely pass up the chance for a good prank should the opportunity present itself.
Key Dates  
Full History :
In the Moon of Tiger's Wrath, the ShadowClan queen Nightstorm gave birth to a litter of four. Nightsong was one of these kits, named Darkkit for her black pelt. The kits' sire was a tom named Hawkclaw. When Greencough swept through the litter, all of the kits, with the exception of Darkkit, died. The illness affected Nightstorm as well and finally killed her after it evolved into Blackcough.

Darkkit, being only a moon and a half, was too young to fully understand what was going on. She remained under the care of another queen until she was old enough to be apprenticed.

Darkkit was apprenticed as Nightpaw in honor of her dame during the Moon of Long Sun. Nightpaw proved to be talented fighter, but her hunting skills aren't as sharp as they could be to this day. She spent seven moons as an apprentice before being promoted to warrior status.

Late into her apprenticeship, her sire was found dead close to the Thunderpath. He had been hit and killed by a twoleg monster crashed into the forest. Although Nightpaw was saddened at the prospect of ShadowClan losing a good warrior, she didn't let it affect her training and quickly got over it.

About a moons after her father's passing, Nightpaw was named a warrior as Nightsong.

The quiet of her life was momentarily broken when she caught a rouge trespassing and hunting on ShadowClan territory. She immediately attacked the cat before even asking what they happened to be doing there. The intruder refused to leave, and the fight that ensued was violent and finally ended with the rouge dead and her own ear nicked.

When Nightsong told her leader about her deeds, he simply asked that, shall she run into another trespasser, she should try talking to the intruder first and should kill only if it is necessary. Nightsong only grudgingly agreed to go along with Elmstar's "Talk first, attack later" method.

For moons, she has continued to serve as a warrior of ShadowClan.
Sire :
Hawkclaw (A muscular dark brown tabby bicolor tom with gray-green eyes)
Dame :
Nightstorm (A small black she-cat with blue eyes)
Full Siblings :
3 deceased kits
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Nightsong
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Nightsong is a Female cat with Short Black Bicolor fur.
She is of Medium-small size and Semi-cobby build. She has Odd eyes and a Normal tail. She is of non-purebred decent.