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|text=On the discussion page of this character post a request to recover your character, along with an explanation of why your activity level at the game has been null.
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|start=25 May 2017
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|end=1 June 2017
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Revision as of 01:55, 2 June 2017


A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Centurion of Caligula's Cabal
A She-cat by Vincent out of VictoriqueBorn and dubbed Jade in the Moon of Cheetah's Flight (2006)
Living at the age of 37 Moons (2 years & 10 months)
Short Description :
A sizable bronze Egyptian Mau queen with lime eyes wearing a red collar with a medallion
Long Description :
A purebred Egyptian Mau, Jade is notably large for a cat her breed, reaching a height of 11 inches at the shoulders. Her body is solidly muscled, slender and graceful. This, along with the loose flap of skin extending from her flank to hind legs, allows for a commendable amount of agility and speed. Jade's limbs are tall and slim, the hind legs slightly longer and the paws dainty as with all Maus.

Her coat displays the elegant spotted pattern unique to the Mau. Its colour is a mix of coppery reddish-browns and subtle hints of grey, making for an attractive bronze shade which fades to a paler hue at her underside. Her tail is banded and ends in a dark tip. Her ears are large, adorned with a small tuft at the ends.

Jade's features are strong and exotic, the cheekbones prominent and the face beautified by mascara lines. Her eyes are almond-shaped and jade green in colour, and the dark tear markings that accent them enhance their striking appearance. She has a scarab marking on her forehead.

Around Jade's neck is a thin red lace she wears as a collar. It has a bronze medallion that hangs down and has the letter M engraved on it.
Though the passing on of her first owner combined with her sudden and involuntary moving to Whitehart initially rendered her an aggressive and difficult cat, Jade has put aside these ways now that she believes she has found her place in the world; the Cabal. She values and respects her companions of the Cabal so long as this same treatment is shown to her. Jade has made a point of replacing her impatience for patience, her rage with cold calmness, and has so far succeeded to some degree.

She is proud at heart and possesses a very well-developed intelligence. She is aware that brute force is not her forte, relying instead on her mental and physical agility. A crafty cat, Jade handles social situations with proficiency and takes time to analyze the possible settings and outcomes. The she-cat would much rather use her strong speech skills instead of attempting to fight an opponent she knows she simply cannot beat.

Despite having lived a pampered life under the care of humans, Jade was never lazy, preferring to hunt her own food and being in possession of a never ending curiosity, love of adventures and exploring new things. Much of her mannerism is in accordance to her mother's noble teachings, and she bases the majority of her actions (sometimes rather loosely) on what she was taught a lady would and would not do. The aristocratic nature of her father makes a prominent appearance in Jade's own character. She carries herself in a confident and poised manner.

It should be noted that below regal manners and well-controlled behaviour is a she-cat fierce as she is sharp of tongue if provoked to certain extent.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Jade was the firstborn in a large litter, the eldest of six kits. She and her siblings came into the world on a warm and rainy September night. The sire and dame were both purebred show cats of the Maunarch Cattery, renown all throughout the busy Scottish city where it is located.

The Mau lived a happy kithood at the cattery, basking in the attention and company of others like her and instructed by her mother on all the how-tos of becoming a proper lady. Her family was highly respected by the other cats for their high-born lineage and traditionally outstanding performance in competitions. As such, the cattery was organized into a society of sorts, with Jade's father as chief. Because Jade was the eldest kitten, she was expected not only to follow in her parents' pawsteps, but to one day become chief herself.

This, however, never happened. At around 16 weeks of age, Jade was purchased from the cattery by a wealthy older woman with the surname Bremner. To date, Jade has not heard from her family, and does not know for sure of their whereabouts.

Jade grew from a vocal and arrogant kitten into a prideful creature. Because Jade was young when re-homed, she quickly adapted to her new house. She formed a strong and very special bond with her owner, who showered her with affection. Since all of the woman's children had become adults and moved out of the country and her husband has passed away almost three years before, Jade was her only company in the great house, along with the housekeepers. Her new home was located in the same city as the cattery where she was born and had lived in, but because she hardly ventured outside the neighbourhood on her own, Jade never knew of this.

The following years were the best Jade can remember. Mrs. Bremner was certainly not young, but had within her a remarkable resilience. Often, she and Jade would take long strolls to the nearby park or throw social gatherings at their home. The cats of the attendees were encouraged to come as well, and usually did. Most of them were or had been show cats, and Jade quickly became friends with them.

One such get-together resulted in Jade meeting an older Mau tomcat named Iver. A short-lived love was born of their acquaintance, though it should be noted that it was purely romantic, as the tom was neutered. Within two months, the cats drifted apart and their relationship quietly deteriorated.

As Jade herself became older, she was entered into competition; though she disliked being handled by other humans, she acted as pleasant as she could, wanting to make her owner happy. Her performance was every bit as satisfying as her parents' had been, but she had to resign when she was nearing two years of age as her owner's health began to fluctuate.

In the beginning, a nurse and doctor were assigned to live in the manor as they cared for Jade's owner. The next four or so months were characterized by occasional visits to the hospital on Mrs. Bremner's part. The house medics were dismissed once it became clear that she required more intensive care. The periods of absence gradually increased in frequency and length as the year wore on. Day-long visits became a thing of the past as her health declined more and more. Words that Jade had never heard before, things like cancer, leukaemia, and chemotherapy began to make a common appearance amongst the housekeepers when discussing the lady of the house in hushed, serious tones. Mrs. Bremner was gone for weeks at a time, and though Jade was confused and saddened by the turn of events, the she-cat never lost faith that her owner would be back one day or another.

The house had never appeared lonely and frightening to the Mau until then, and though the rooms and the exterior and the garden were kept as tasteful and elegant as ever by the dedicated housekeepers, there was no denying that the building had taken up an aura of abandon and gloom. Still, Jade waited day after day next to the ebony front doors of her once-lively home, wanting to greet her beloved owner the moment she walked in.

One day, her human left and never came back.

The person who did come back, however, was Mr. Maltby, the lawyer who had helped prepare the will of Jade's owner a year prior and whom the Mau had a faint recognition of. A tall, balding man in an impeccable navy suit, he gathered the housekeepers and contacted the woman's remaining family to discuss with them her last wishes. The home was to be donated to charity. The money was to be distributed amongst Mrs. Bremner's four children, with the eldest one receiving the most and being named Jade's new caregiver. The housekeepers were dismissed and given monetary shares of their own.

Within two days, Mrs. Bremner's children had flown in for their mother's wake and interment, as the burial was to take place in their home country of Scotland. After the funeral, her eldest daughter took Jade back with her to North America as had been written in the will. It was then that the realization that her human was gone forever hit her.

It had been during this whole five-month ordeal, from Mrs. Bremner's first prolonged hospital stays to her passing on, that Jade ran into the same Iver of her early youth. This had occurred during one of her strolls around the neighbourhood (which to her were a way of killing time until her owner returned). The sparks remaining between them soon ignited into a new flame, and their relationship was quickly rekindled. Her sudden and involuntary move to the United States, however, effectively severed all communication between them forever. She thinks of him to this day every so often, though by now he has been reduced to a fleeting thought at the back of her mind rather than the throb in her young heart that he used to be.

Jade's transition to her new home was difficult to say the least. During her short stay, the Mau went out of her way to spite them, bringing her caught prey indoors, disregarding her litter box, and disappearing for days. Her resentment towards her new housefolk never faded, and they in turn only tolerated her because she had been a beloved companion.

In the end, Jade lasted only three or so months at this new house. After an encounter with Caesar Caligula during the second day of the Moon of Long Nights, Jade left her housefolk to join the Cabal.

The experience has arguably done quite a bit to improve her character and render her much like she was back home across the sea, as she hopes to be seen as a sort of role model for the younger cats of the Cabal. Her devotion to Caligula and the Cabal is unwavering, as she believes she is truly appreciated there. Her survival of one of the most unforgiving winters the forest has ever seen has only reaffirmed her belief that she is truly meant to thrive in the wild.

In the moons since she was recruited into the Cabal, Jade has developed a closer, albeit only professional, connection to Caligula. She hopes to bear him a son and heir in the near future, which the Caesar himself has agreed to. Jade is aware of the jealousy Drusilla (Caligula's first mate) bears towards her because of her newfound relationship with the large silver tom, but chooses to pay little to no mind to it as she does not want to start a fight and bears no resentment towards the tailless she-cat. Her only intentions are the strengthening of the Cabal.
Sire :
Vincent (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Victorique (No Sdesc on File)
Full Siblings :
5 unknown kits
Genealogy & Pedigree
Jade Vincent Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Victorique Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Detailed Genealogical Tree
5 Unknown
Significant Cats
Mate(s) :
Mentor(s) :
Apprentice(s) :
Others :
Player's Notes
General :
Jade speaks with a heavy Glaswegian accent, though Sterben chooses not to type out the Mau's dialogue entierly in this dialect (except some more easily understandable words here and there, for example nae=no, aye=yes, fae=from, wee=little, wan=one) and only rarely incorporates some of its more widely-known slang, as she believes it may be difficult for other players (and their cats!) to decipher it.
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Jade
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Jade is a Female cat with Short Black Spotted Tabby fur.
She is of Large size and Semi-foreign build. She has Lime eyes and a Normal tail. She is a purebred Egyptian Mau.