Template talk

Difference between revisions of "Character/new"

From Children of StarClan

(Change Log)
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==== Version 2.4.5 ====
==== Version 2.4.5 ====
''Starting Soon''
* ''3 June 2017''
** Overhauled area for additional character details, genetics listing, and char info display.
** Added hiding option for character info when it isn't configured, and a needs category automated for living characters.
** <span style="color: red">rolled out</span> - Character Details Patch.

Revision as of 13:48, 3 June 2017

This talk page is currently being used exclusively to log the changes as Kitsufox and Willow progress from version 2 of the character sheet into version 3.

PREVIOUS VERSIONS: 2.2.X - 2.3.X - 2.4.X


A place to jot down plans for this version of the template.

From Willow

  • Change template info: the character may be a clanner turned non-clanner, you still want to add dates to the clanner ranks obtained (example: Scrape). X.X.X
  • On the same note--does Scrape and similar show Mentor information on education, or Trained by?
  • Figure out if there's a way to associate event dates to a certain clan (example: Newheart and Scrape, changed groups since birth, appear in RiverClan and Domestic census respectively). 2.4.0
  • Family tree: default to "still unwritten" or somesuch if nothing is written on that field. 2.3.0
    • On a more-trouble-than-it's-worth so possibly-crazy-Willow-will-tackle-it note: if no Genealogy link is provided, make it display parents and character with a simple tree? Possibly parents and full siblings? Would require creating a genealogy template and this actually seems not so crazy or so difficult to me.
  • Make Moons/age not totally suck if they are input incorrectly. 2.3.0
  • Clarify pedigree chart's relationships.

From Kitsufox

  • Add a previous highest rank held for cats who downgrade a rank. - Can be done with planned name/rank/date display. 2.3.0
  • A way to list past affiliations. Though the thing we discussed about coordinating certain census events to groups they're not currently affiliated with would do the trick there. 2.5.0
  • Improvements to name history? IE: Standardize it into an entry thing and fields instead of a single text field? Not sure how this would be done, though, because of how variable name history can be even within a clan. 2.3.0
  • Improve the way Vox Populi displays. Must control how pages names are displaying to eliminate clutter text. 2.3.0
  • Make linking of threads for ceremonies/events in important dates possible.
  • Make important dates options for cats outside the clans, such as the Cats of Camelot. 2.4.0
  • Work templates like the approvals, name history, etc directly into the main character template to streamline everything and stop the need for template swapping on approval, and other complicated affairs. 2.X.X
  • Ability to specify a day in a moon that something happened and have it show up in the date listings.
  • Make sure the status controller/age lister as ordered for run as efficiently as possible (low priority) 2.4.0
  • Control so that StarClan believers who are not currently members of a clan can still show up as a part of StarClan.
    • Also find a way for non-believers to be accounted for?
  • Work in the traits like Fierceblooded, Warborn, ect. 2.5.0
    • Maybe as a trait-manager sub-template to make including new traits quick and easy? Nop.
    • Idea: grab born/name1 and see if it fits time between the start and end of war. If there is no born/name1, check if death fits the same pattern. Will miss warborn with no born date and death AFTER the war's end, though.
  • FORMS: Improve so that more options are templates for inclusion... and test to see if forms can be written as templates... Would make changes easy if there were just a few versions and all pages shared from a set of templates...
  • HOUSING: See about full integration for all groups without set housing locations (Domestic, Feral, Semi-feral, Cats of Camelot) so that hand maintaining a thread for it won't be necessary.
    • Make the mapmaking an aspect of Project Imagery. Sure it would be Kitsu-only, but it would give me a way to store filed requests along with each users request details until such time as the request was completed.
    • Maybe eventually have the pictures of the lots showing at the bottom of character sheets (under a collapse) for such characters?
    • Remember to make allowances for the fact that eventually we might open the city to the west in addition to the eastern one (Whitehart). MUST be ready in advance to make it so that this does not make a transition difficult.
  • Rankchange Improvements...
    • Give the fancy Rankchange thingy the ability to handle the DAY something happened when we have it!
    • By restructuring in an additional or replacement category in the format of "Group - Rank - Date" I could finally manage to have the group stuff actually ONLY pull in relation to whens and not just whats for cats already here... It would help out in the fact that it would make fancy stuff like what group something happened in FINALLY work, I think... Actually need to investigate this further... Exploration indicates that this is not doable. Yet. Might come back to this.
  • Leader Support - Built in listing of given lives, lost lives, and threads for both. (This has been planned for ages and not listed anywhere) 2.5.0
  • Notable Threads - Listing of threads in the Notes that the player considers worth recording.

Version 2.5.0

Started - 30 November 2013
Projected Release - 3rd Quarter of 2017
Released - N/A


  • [MOB] Mobile Update
    • Consider Rearrangement of Features & column structure options 2.4.2
    • Replace table structure with Div Structure 2.4.2
  • [BUG] Bugfixes
    • Namesave no longer getting pulled up. 2.4.2
    • Shrinking Text Issue 2.4.2
    • Age computations fail when birthdate is lacking but death date is assigned 2.4.4
    • Resolve ongoing death computation bugs
    • Add detector to not show char info & assign a category about it being needed when it is not entered.
    • Tweak lists to have an empty line automatically so the first item in a list doesn't malfunction.
  • [NEW] Sheet Additions
    • Support linking to the litter record. Probobly include it in the character sheet links section. 2.4.4
    • Add support for listing previous affiliations at the top of the sheet.
    • Integrate support for plot-related deaths. Automatic category, plus tag at the end of the history section for the character.
    • Training Tracker for On Screen Apprentices
    • Leader Lives tracker needed.
  • [MOD] Sheet Modifications
    • Create support for Easement Proceedings. Currently easement approvals Takes the character sheet off the Rosters and out of the bans consideration. This needs to change. 2.4.1
    • Increase usage of templates and phantom templates to handle more of the output, so that less of the "prettified" parts of the codes will be included in the main template. 2.4.3
    • Clear up the Pedigree display with column labels 2.4.4
    • Clear up the Genealogy display with a key for relationships. cancelled
    • Make eligible non-mandatory fields hide automatically when they are not used. 2.4.4
    • Eliminate ALL legacy code. 2.4.3
  • [NEW] Template Integrations
    • {{Gene}} 2.4.4
    • {{Slot-S}} 2.4.4
    • {{Charinfo}} 2.4.4
    • Overhaul the Player's Notes section 2.4.4
  • [FORM] Adjustments
    • Update forms to support Easement better. 2.4.1
    • Update form to support mobile div structure instead of tables 2.4.2
    • Update the form to support Gene, Slot-S and Charinfo 2.4.4
    • Update to Add support for litter record linking 2.4.4
    • Update to allow for listing of past affiliations.
    • Update to accommodate auto-listing for plot related deaths.

Change Log


  • 30 November 2013
    • Tweaks for better handling of Easement Proceedings.
    • Updates to forms to support Easement Field.


  • 2 August 2014 - Plans laid for next version to be rebuild to format for the new mobile friendly System.
  • 30 August 2014
    • Template itself overhauled to new version.
    • Namesave Bug Addressed.
    • Shrinking text bug addressed.


  • 17 May 2017
    • Converted to a sub-paged system that increases ease of edits.
    • Eliminated Mate legacy code.
    • Eliminated Approved Legacy Code.

Version 2.4.4

  • 17 May 2017 - Improved pedigree chart display with labels.
  • 23 May 2017 - Worked on Template Integrations.
  • 27 May 2017 - Rewrote age computations to finally solve the lingering bug with no birthdate but a death date.
  • 28 May 2017
    • rolled out - age code patch.
    • Litter Record Linking & Unborn Improvements.
  • 29 May 2017
    • Updated forms to support all new fields Fields.

Version 2.4.5

  • 3 June 2017
    • Overhauled area for additional character details, genetics listing, and char info display.
    • Added hiding option for character info when it isn't configured, and a needs category automated for living characters.
    • rolled out - Character Details Patch.