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From Children of StarClan

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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of RiverClan
A She-cat by Larkfur out of MudfangBorn Thornkit in the Moon of First Fishing (2005)* Killed by a predator in the Moon of First White (2008)
Dead at the age of 47 moons (3 years & 7 months)
and has been so for 9 moons (8 months).
Short Description :
A longhaired brown van she-cat with a series of patches on her back and blue-green eyes
Long Description :
Thornpelt's coat is a clear mixture white with brown patches along her back, flanks, and the side of her face and parts of her chin. Her paws, larger than most she-cats, are clad heel to toe in white fur. Her legs, ever lean and powerful, are long. Equally light claws are almost camouflaged when she unsheathes them. Soft, lustrous fur billows from her white underbelly. Her chest is equally white, which continues towards her chin until it reaches her face. Thornpetal's eyes are the color of the sea after a storm, which rests high set upon her cheekbones. Thornpetal isn't the biggest cat around, and she knows it, but she defines her body structure as an acquired trait, building up her muscles while fishing and swimming . Lean and long-legged, this she-cat is swift and ready for combat on call.
Thornpetal tries to act very friendly to the tom population of Riverclan. She constantly finds herself batting her eyelashes and being as agreeable as her persona can allow. In fact, it is something she has gotten so entirely used to, she occasionally does it without thinking, although she may 'pretend' as though she does it on accident more often than she actually does. Partially it’s to attract the attention of whichever tom she is turning the charm on to, but more than that she really just enjoys the ego boost every now and then. Along with her pride she thinks herself to be quite intelligent. She’s keen to pick out tiny detail, using every experience in her life to attempt to gain the upper hand when in and out of combat, play or fight. In many tight spots, Thornpetal tries her best to pull through, or at least bare the consequences with a dignified air.
Like any normal feline, she is a mix of emotions, ranging from perfectly, even considerably 'normal' to absolutely livid. Most of the time, however, Thornpetal is right in between emotions, fairly laid-back, and almost always with a sarcastic or biting comment to make about whatever is taking place. It is how she generally interacts, and it either friendly or sharp. She tends to round upon others whenever she is in an irritable mood, sometimes with little to no reason, but she can simply redirect her anger (so not to upset others of her clan) towards providing food for her clan, or taking deep and earnest breaths to cool herself down. She does try to hold back her anger when plainly unnecessary, though. One of things that absolutely make her day, however, is when cats banter back, particularly if they’re as quick on their feet verbally as she is. Not that she doesn’t enjoy pleasant cats, of course, but felines with a little fight to them are so much more fascinating to her that will often make her at least give you a second glance.
Something that really rubs her fur the wrong way is when others damage her pride. Thornpetal worked hard to get to where she is, the devoted she-cat who takes their rules and laws a bit too literally. To a she-cat like Thornpetal trust does not come naturally to her, and with every new face she finds it hard to move passed first impressions, especially if they are not of Riverclan blood. Once she has developed a mistrust of someone, despite the reason, her instincts rarely ever tell her back down and good luck trying to persuade her otherwise. She possesses a deep concern for the well being of her clan, but that concern can easily be warped into into anger when confronted by an enemy. To her, kits are a thing to be treasured. While unsure if she will ever have them, she still looks forward to having new kits in the nursery. Perhaps this is her only weakness, and will often go out of her way to provide for those who can't provide for themselves, including elders, nursing queens, and small kits. She'll probably still try to boss apprentices and young warriors around and roll her eyes at them and get frustrated with the things they choose to do, but she will fight for each one of her kin with a burning passion and dreams of one day being remembered for a great and honorable deed by her clan.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Born to both Riverclan warriors Larkfur and Mudfang, life in the clan went by fast, as soon as she began toddling around, she tried to explore everything she could get her paws on. She was a bold kit growing up, and spent long hours of the day playing with her denmate Rosekit, who rose to become Roseleaf. She often enjoyed a romping tussle with the other she-kit and grew to become very attached to her. Whenever she could, she pestered the elders into sharing a story with her and snuck around with her playmate. She was inquisitive, determined to become more than she was. Her eagerness only increased when she was apprenticed at six moons and became Thornpaw.
She learned quickly under the watchful gaze of her mentor, who felt that her apprentice needed to understand all the aspects of Riverclan. Her mentor often took her eager apprentice to inspect every inch of their territory, where she trained her spiritually on how to deal with the harshness of reality. Naturally, she tried to be the best possible student, copying her mentor’s actions and following her directions. If she had finished her day's training to her mentor’s satisfaction, she was often rewarded with the last hours of dusk to fish by the river. Once she had finished her training, it was time for the proud she-cat to receive her warrior name, and become Thornpetal.
She found herself working constantly, bettering herself and Riverclan to the best of her ability. She still was close to Roseleaf and fished with her whenever conditions suited them best, but all of it ended when Roseleaf suddenly passed on to Starclan. To this day, she strives to further achieve her goals, reach for the top as most self respecting cats would. Normally she can be found out and about, though she finds herself having less and less time for frivolousness conversation with her kin; and spending more and more time hunting, patrolling, and guarding the camp's walls, wherever she's needed, really. Though she does desire to share her life with a mate, she is far too distracted at the moment to be bothered with her own feelings, doing her best to make Riverclan the best it possibly can.
Thornpetal was killed by the otter that plagued Riverclan on the 20th of First White.
Sire :
Larkfur (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Mudfang (No Sdesc on File)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Thornpetal Larkfur Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Mudfang Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Thornpetal
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Thornpetal is a Female cat with Mid-length Brown Mackerel Tabby Bicolor fur.
She is of Medium size and Semi-foreign build. She has Aqua eyes and a Normal tail. She is of non-purebred decent.

Thornpetal Is A Part Of The Character Images Project and has been completed. (View)