
Difference between revisions of "Character/doc/new"

From Children of StarClan

< Template:Character‎ | doc
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* '''notes''': Any notes that you would like to include on the sheet but do not fit anywhere else. Within {{t|Character/new/Playernotes}} {{t|Character/Playernotes}}
* '''notes''': Any notes that you would like to include on the sheet but do not fit anywhere else. Within {{t|Character/new/Playernotes}} {{t|Character/Playernotes}}
* '''otherlinks''': Enter links to other images or notable items related to the character in <nowiki>[url1 name1]<BR>[url2 name2]</nowiki> style format. Leave this blank and the field will not be included. Within {{t|Character/new/Playernotes}} {{t|Character/Playernotes}}
* '''otherlinks''': Enter links to other images or notable items related to the character in <nowiki>[url1 name1]<BR>[url2 name2]</nowiki> style format. Leave this blank and the field will not be included. Within {{t|Character/new/Playernotes}} {{t|Character/Playernotes}}
* '''charinfo''': Holds {{t|Character/new/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
* '''furlength''': Length of fur the character has. Within {{t|Character/new/Info}} {{t|Character/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
** Fields: gender, furlength, furcolor, tabby, bicolor, colorlimit, tipped, bodysize, bodytype, tail, eyecolor, pure, breed
* ''' furcolor''': Base color of the fur the character has. Within {{t|Character/new/Info}} {{t|Character/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
* '''dilute''': What type of dilution? Within {{t|Character/new/Info}} {{t|Character/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
* '''tabby''': What tabby pattern. Within {{t|Character/new/Info}} {{t|Character/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
* '''bicolor''': Is the character bicolor? Within {{t|Character/new/Info}} {{t|Character/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
* '''colorlimit''': Is the character color limited. Within {{t|Character/new/Info}} {{t|Character/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
* '''tipped''': Is the character's fur tipped? Within {{t|Character/new/Info}} {{t|Character/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
* '''bodysize''': What is the body-sized. Within {{t|Character/new/Info}} {{t|Character/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
* '''bodytype''': What is the body type. Within {{t|Character/new/Info}} {{t|Character/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
* '''tail''': What type of tail. Within {{t|Character/new/Info}} {{t|Character/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
* '''eyecolor''': What color of eyes. Within {{t|Character/new/Info}} {{t|Character/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
* '''pure''': Is the character purebred? Within {{t|Character/new/Info}} {{t|Character/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
* '''breed''': What breed is the character? Within {{t|Character/new/Info}} {{t|Character/Info}}, an updated version of {{t|Charinfo}}
* '''staffslot''': Holds {{t|Character/new/Staff}}, an updated version of {{t|Slot-S}}
* '''staffslot''': Holds {{t|Character/new/Staff}}, an updated version of {{t|Slot-S}}
* '''genetics''': Holds {{t|Character/new/Gene}}, an updated version of {{t|Gene}}
* '''genetics''': Holds {{t|Character/new/Gene}}, an updated version of {{t|Gene}}

Revision as of 17:20, 28 May 2017



* Sire & Dame should be Omitted from NPC Sheets unless the names are actually known. If they are unknown, it will show up as unknown automatically. Only in cases where that individual is already known should you go about entering to avoid excessive additional characters.
2 Categories are now stored Within the following subpages: Approved Characters - {{Character/new/categories}} {{Character/categories}}, Pending Characters - {{Character/new/categories2}} {{Character/categories2}}