
Difference between revisions of "In Character Combat"

From Children of StarClan

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== Time ==
#REDIRECT [[Rules:Roleplay/Combat]]
=== Combat Rounds ===
:When characters fight in character there has to be a fair way to give each one an equal chance to be involved in the combat. That is accomplished by using a system of "rounds" of combat. A round is a section of 5 seconds In Character time in which each player is given the opportunity to explain their character's actions. When characters fight IC, each player is entitled to a full chance to have their characters respond on behalf of their character. During a round your character can engage in a number of actions, but the string of actions should not be beyond the scope of something that can be done in 5 seconds.
=== The Time Things Take ===
:In this section I'll define basic ideas of what amount of time some basic things will take to accomplish. This list is not all-inclusive, but rather to help create basic guidelines to establish precedents. Just because something is not on this list does not mean it is not possible, nor will it need to be added to this list to become possible. A single character should make no more than 1 movement-type action, and 1 combat type action per turn.
<CENTER><U>Movement Actions</U><BR>Move 1 Foxlength - 0.5 Seconds<BR>Leap Forward*** - 2 Seconds<BR><BR><U>Combat Actions</U><BR>Basic Attack* - 1 to 2 Seconds<BR>Complicated Attack** - 2-3 Seconds</CENTER>
:<nowiki>*</nowiki> A basic attack is a simple action such as striking the face with a paw, or biting at an enemy.
:<nowiki>**</nowiki> A complicated attack is any attack that either combines more than one basic attack (such as clawing and biting simultaneously) or leaping into an attack.
:<nowiki>***</nowiki> A Leap involves the cat gathering itself and launching forward up to twice it's own length. It may be combined with other actions.
=== Things That Take Longer Than 1 Round ===
:In the event that an action would desire to take would last longer than one round, you start the action in a round, adn then proceed through the number of rounds it would take RPing the progress of that action. This gives fair opportunity for the actions of others to effect the action you are taking. Keep in mind that the list of examples is not all-inclusive.
:''Withdrawing from Combat'': Begin in the first round and proceed to flee until your character reaches a point of safety. Keep in mind that when fleeing others can give chase or cut off your path of escape.
:''Long Speeches'': Spread your dialog out through your posts, to stick realistically to what can be said in 5 seconds.
:''Aiding the Injured'': Keep the steps of the healing process appropriately timed to the 5 second rule, and expect your distraction to open you to attack from opponents.
=== Combat Post Examples ===
:Coming Soon. Will probably pull actual posts from the site that fit the rules.
== Godmoding ==
=== Explained ===
:Godmoding is the act of using those things you (the Player) knows but the character does not while playing that character. This includes such things as pulling things out of the thoughts included in the posts of other players about their own characters. Your character would be unable to read the thoughts of the other character and would not know that its mind drifted to a long ago fight that was similar to the one it is currently in. This can also include things that are referenced in other threads that your character would not be aware of, including items like combat weaknesses.
Godmoding is explicitly forbidden by both these combat rules and the CoSC General Rules.
=== Punishments ===
:Single incidents of Godmoding will be attended to via a simple (publicly made) request for correction by the player being godmoded against or an Admin who notices the incident.
:Extended issues, in which players are consistently Godmoding, the Admin team will address the issue more personally. The final results in extremely problematic and long-term cases could amount to expulsion from the game (Though this would be a worst case scenario in which the player them self seems to show no desire to correct the issue and learn from past mistakes, and will be avoided if possible).
== Powerplaying ==
=== Explained ===
:Powerplaying is a complex thing that will not be defined here, but will instead use the definitions provided in [[Info:PSA/11|PSA #11]]. To avoid powerplaying or accusations of unfair conduct in a fight a cat should never completely dodge more than 2 consecutive attacks. While this rule will be taken with a grain of salt, it will be used by Admins as a dipstick to assist in identifying certain kinds of powerplaying.
:Powerplaying is explicitly forbidden by both these combat rules the CoSC General Rules.
=== Punishments ===
:Single incidents of Powerplaying will be attended to via a simple (publicly made) request for correction by the player being powerplayed or an Admin who notices the incident.
:Extended issues, in which players are consistently metaplaying, the Admin Team will address the issue more personally. The final results in extremely problematic and long-term cases could amount to expulsion from the game (though this would be a worst case scenario in which the player themselves seems to show no desire to correct the issue and learn from past mistakes. It will be avoided if in any way possible).

Latest revision as of 14:59, 11 March 2012