
ShadowClan Area

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 18:26, 16 July 2010 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs) (Marshlands)
These are detailed descriptions of the various areas located within ShadowClan Territory.
The highest level headers are the forums that exist, and the lower level headers are areas within.


East Tunnel

A tunnel located in the eastern camp wall that permits passage into the camp. It's about a foot across and the briars arch over the top to form a protective roof.

West Tunnel

A tunnel located in the western camp wall that permits passage into the camp. It's about a foot across and the briars arch over the top to form a protective roof.

Fresh-kill Pile

A small depression in the soft earth at the center of camp where hunters deposit thier prey and hungry cats can collect a meal without having to go out hunting themselves.

Talking Spot

A small clearing amongst the briars of the eastern wall atop a small rise. This is the place where announcements are traditionally made.

Leader's Den

A small den located just to the east of the talking spot. The dirt floor is hidden by a later of dried grasses and moss.

Deputy's Den

A bit further east is the deputy's den. This den is slightly smaller than the Leader's but is decorated in the same way.

Medicine Cat's Den

Between the Elder's Den and Nursery lies the Medicine Cat's comfortable den. All but one concern of the floor is bare dirt, and along the rest of the walls are the stores of herbs kept for healing, giving the den the heady fragrance of herbs and flowers year round.

Elder's Den

The largest of the den's on the northwall is the Elder's den. The dirt floor is thickly coated in dried grasses and mosses, and extra care has been taken to ensure the walls are wind-proofed.


To the east of the Medicine Cat's Den lies the Nursery. This den has a thick covering of the softest mosses available in the territory, and the walls have been built thick with extra care to ensure there are no drafts.

Warrior's Den

The largest of all the ShadowClan dens is the Warrior's Den located on the southwall. This large den is bare-dirt at the center, but comfortable nests of dried grasses line the walls. The briar walls are thick, giving the warriors a secure place sleep.

Apprentice's Den

To the east of the Warriors' Den is the apprentice's den. This den, though smaller, is almost an exact match for to the Warrior's one.



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Geography: A small area of swamp a short distance south of ShadowClan Camp

Description: A medium-sized, marshy place just to the south of the ShadowClan camp. It is mostly flat, and the majority of it consists of grass and water, with an occasional low bush. It is a moderate place for hunting, as it would normally be prey-rich, but as it is near the camp, the comings and goings of large numbers of cats have scared off much of the prey.


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Geography: A section of swampland south of the big Thunderpath between Southplains and the Sidestream

Description: A large, wet marshy area, much larger than the Smallswamps and the Nearswamps. There are large amounts of standing water in some places as well as thick mud in others. The Swamps are made up of two large pools of standing water with boggy mud and much plant life. A wide variety of herbs adorns the marshes, such as chickweed, horsetail, tansy, and water mint. Much prey is found there, including amphibians, reptilians, fish, and small mammals.


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Geography: A small swamp to the west of the Sidestream.

Description: A small, marshy area near the south of ShadowClan territory. It is mostly flat and a mixture of grasses and water, with a few bushes. It is a good place for hunting, as frogs, snakes, small fish, water voles, water shrews, and lizards can be found there. It is fed mainly by the Sidestream, which lies just to the east.


ThunderClan Border

Geography: The border between ThunderClan and ShadowClan, running along the Thunderpath.
Description: Being one of the most wooded areas on the territory, the border area's terrain would gradually fade into that of ThunderClan's, were it not for the Thunderpath that marks a clear boundary. ThunderClan territory can be seen on the other side.


Geography: A spot near Fourtrees along the Thunderpath, just beyond the ThunderClan border
Description: An unnaturally straight and smooth tunnel that goes under the Thunderpath, coming out right near Fourtrees. Sometimes water flows through here.


Geography: The tiny stream that flows between the Swamplands and the Smallswamp
Description: Part of the stream that runs from ThunderClan territory, this stream is a good source of fresh water for ShadowClan cats


Geography: A broad area bordered on two sides by Thunderpaths and on a third side by Carrionplace
Description: This broad, damp grassland area is home to some small trees and brush, giving it a fair variety in the prey that can be caught. It also contains the entrance to the Tunnel.


Geography: A place run by Twolegs, just beyond normal ShadowClan borders, bordered by the Heathlands, Northplains and the Ratfields
Description: A place overflowing with Twoleg rubbish and crowfood. The place is often found crawling rats. There is also a Twoleg nest inside.

Open Lands


Geography: A small plain to the north of Carrionplace.
Description: A smooth plain thick with clover and hay. While not acctually a part of the hay field, the humans sometimes use it to graze livestock or mow it in the fall.

Forest's Edge

Geography: An area to the east of Carrionplace and Northplains.
Description: Trees dot the open plain before they give way to a small forest. The sycamore dominated trees stand tall, and give a place where ShadowClanners can hunt the squirrels that make their homes there.


Geography: The open lands surrounding Carrionplace.
Description: The smooth slopes of the slight rise that surround Carrionplace are covered in grass taller than your average cat, and rats from the refuse-piles often shelter in it, giving the area its name.


Geography: A stretch of open land between the Thunderpath and the Burnt Sycamore.
Description: These smooth grass and reed covered plains stretch from the Thunderpath all the way to the Burnt Sycamore. The plain is dotted with bushes and foliage.

Burnt Sycamore

Geography: A tree just north of Southplains and east of the Swamps.
Description: On a slight rise stands the dead and burnt out husk of a once proud Sycamore Tree. At the base of the blackened trunk is an apprentice-sized gap that leads to a small hollow.