

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 15:15, 2 June 2017 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs)

Template:Off Camera

A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Domestic cat
A sworn subject of the Kingdom of Camelot
A She-cat by Cordon out of Feu de la NuitBorn Gardenia in the Moon of Lion's Glory (2007)
Living (off camera) at the age of 25 Moon(s) (1 year & 11 months)
Short Description :
A black bi-color she-cat with lime eyes and a purple collar
Long Description :
Paris is a black she-cat with a "tuxedo"--a white underbelly and paws. She has white "gloves" on her front paws and longer "stockings" on her back paws. She has a small white dash between her nose and her mouth, and a white spot on one of her back legs. She is nearly full-grown and has grown into her adult pelt and her full size. She has a violet ribbon collar with a bow and a few identification tags. She has very pale green-yellow eyes.
Paris doesn't like to be alone, and enjoys other cats' company. She likes to play and relishes it when her owners dangle a string or a piece of yarn in front of her nose to catch. She is generally glad to share others' company, and dislikes being left alone. She shows her adoration and friendship easily and obviously, purring when happy. She is a little quick to trust, liking to think herself friends with the entire world.

Paris enjoys new challenges and has often, unsuccessfully, attempted to catch a bird or a squirrel. Being a kittypet and having all of her food provided for her, her attempts are half-hearted, a meaningless sport to pass the time.

Paris is very loyal; defensive of her friends and unwavering in her friendship. She tries to be respectful of others, but when her impatience snaps, she'll talk until the cows come home. Despite being loud-mouthed and clingy, Paris tries to be a good friend when she makes one.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Paris' mother was a spoiled, pampered purebred cat who was bred to be shown and scornful of those of lower class. She was kept unspayed by her owners, who hoped that someday they'd find a purebred tom to father her kits. However, it was the smooth-talking feral Cordon who caught Paris' attention. They met when Feu de la Nuit was taken to a two-day show in the city and Feu de la Nuit's cage latch was unproperly latched and the back door was unlocked. Wanting to explore, Feu de la Nuit roamed toward a nearby street with leading outside of the city. Feu de la Nuit followed the street through a wooded trail. Cordon was stalking a mouse through the forest a little ways off, and, smelling his scent, she went to investigate. The dark tom was charming and friendly: everything that Feu de la Nuit had dreamed of. After weeks of hanging around snooby, high-bred cats, Feu de la Nuit was bored. Cordon's sweet-talk melted the icy, scornful wall around Feu de la Nuit's heart. The two ran away, leaving Feur de la Nuit's owners behind. The classy high-bred she-cat had been swept off her paws.

Thus, Gardenia and her three brothers were born. Cordon and Feu de la Nuit's new home was in a small camp in the forest. When their litter was two moons old, a hiking female human and her mate found the little family. All six cats were surprised, as they had been careful to loacte their camp far away from a trail. Little did they know that the female's mate was a park ranger. As the female worked for a local animal shelter, the woman captured the cats and took them back to the shelter.

Not long after she'd been taken to the shelter, Gardenia was adopted by a male Twoleg and his mate and kits. Their ancestory being French, Gardenia's new Twolegs renamed her Paris. Paris was quick to explore her new hometown--Whitehart--and has been living there since she was almost four moons old.
Sire :
Cordon (A chocolate tabby bicolor tom with green eyes)
Dame :
Feu de la Nuit (A black American Shorthair she-cat with amber eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
A family tree is not yet available for this character
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Paris
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Paris has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Paris is a Female cat with Short Black Bicolor fur.
She is of Medium size and Common build. She has Lime eyes and a Normal tail. She is half American Shorthair.
Paris Is A Part Of The Character Images Project and has been completed. (View)