

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 00:13, 6 June 2017 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs)
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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A She-cat by Alastair out of IsheriaBorn and dubbed Muffin in the Moon of Turning Leaves (2006)
Living (off camera) at the age of 36 Moon(s) (2 years & 9 months)
Short Description :
A black van she-cat with green eyes and a nervous bearing
Long Description :
Quinter is a short-haired bicolor she-cat who is mostly white, her snowy coat marred only by a black patch around her left eye and an inky blot at the tip of her tail. She has large green eyes which match her brother's in their shade of ivy, a hue deeper than their sister's eyes. The skin of her nose and paw pads is pale rose, and her inner ears are a lighter tint of this color. Her frame is compact, sturdy rather than delicate. Quinter's ears and whiskers are typically erect, while her tail is often carried low, depicting her wary nature. Quinter wears a neon green breakaway collar, adorned by three silver tags which jingle too much for her liking.
Quinter is a cat who longs for company, regardless of who that company might be; being alone causes her anxiety, and to her even the company of her Twolegs is better than total solitude. She is not a talkative cat, however, even when she is with other cats. Rather, it is the presence of others she desires and not necessarily interaction with them. Quinter is aware of her dependency on having company, and dislikes it, as she feels it makes her a weaker cat. The world outside Quinter's house does not frighten her overmuch; as long as she knows she can find her way home, she's alright poking about a bit in Whitehart during the day. Quinter keeps alert, however, whenever she roams, and she is seldom at ease in a strange place or around strange cats; though she might need their company, that does not mean she has to trust them. She is not quick to adapt to new situations.
Key Dates  
Full History :
As a kit, Quinter -- then called Muffin -- stayed close to her mother as much as she could. The house in which she'd been born was a generally placid residence until her brother, Midnight -- who would be renamed Zane -- grew old enough to cause havoc, which he did with relish. Muffin and her sister, Chip, kept out of Zane's mischief, aware that he was making himself a nuisance to their housefolk and that no good could come of it.

Zane's roamings out of doors, however, caught Muffin's interest. Although she was not so avid about the outside world as her brother was, she didn't mind going for a stroll in the fresh air every now and again; she made sure to stay close to home, however. When Zane came home traumatized after the death of a strange cat he'd known, Muffin was horrified, but thought that maybe Zane had learned a lesson about venturing out in the middle of the night to dangerous places.

Muffin did not see her brother's gradual recovery, however, as she was sold to a young housefolk couple who'd decided it would be cheaper to have a feline child than a human one. It was a bit of a shock for Muffin -- now rechristened Quinter -- to have to adjust to a completely new lifestyle, and so she was reticent for a time, becoming accustomed to the presence of her new housefolk and the absence of her family.

With time, however, she was nearly as comfortable in her new home as she'd been in her old one. She even came to the point of venturing outside to explore the neighborhood. Since then, she has begun taking near-daily walks, for she misses feline company. Her confidence in her surroundings continues to grow, as does her curiosity regarding the other cats of the area.
Sire :
Alastair (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Isheria (No Sdesc on File)
Full Siblings :
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Quinter
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Quinter
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details