

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 00:27, 6 June 2017 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs)
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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A She-cat by Coracle out of RositaBorn and dubbed Bramble in the Moon of Lion's Glory (2006)
Living (off camera) at the age of 38 Moon(s) (2 years & 11 months)
Short Description :
A solidly built gray bi-color she-cat with mid-length fur and yellow eyes
Long Description :
A silverish gray across most of her body, Cassidy is mottled with messy stripes of darker gray. Starting as clear lines on her legs, they meld together on her back to form a darkening, shaggy saddle. Her head and muzzle are nearly black, spotted around the edges with the silvery color on her body. Her coat is of medium length, puffing out on her face and tail. Though long of body, she is short, built along stocky lines despite the limberness she retains. She has pale yellow eyes, prominent in the dark fur of her face.
Cassidy is hell incarnate to many a human. If you don't please her, she'll bite, she'll scratch, and she won't back down for anything or anyone. She isn't feral. She likes her provided food and warm shelter. However, she doesn't like people. The only loyalty that she feels is to her owner and that was because she was raised from a young age with the girl. Due to that, instead of expressing aggression towards her owner, she expresses aggression towards anyone who comes near to the girl she now claims as her own. She is possessive and protective when she feels that her turf is being threatened. With her attitude, she is very much a one person kind of cat.

In truth, though protective, Cassidy is not loyal to many individuals, feline or human alike, but she does like cats better than people for the most part. She's a gruff gal, just plain crass at times, but she likes to socialize as much as the next self-respecting cat. If she takes a liking to you, she can be a bit of a stalker, prone to being clingy though she'd never admit it. Of course, as soon as you return any sort of interest, she's off like a shot, likely whacking you in the head as she runs.

Cassidy, like anyone, has her virtues and her vices, her strengths and her weaknesses. She had a soft spot for kittens and children, some latent maternal instinct buried deep inside of her, keeping companionship with her protective streak. She likes the excitement of a hunt, though she's long out of practice, and hardly minds a good fight. Though argumentative, her temper is usually well moderated. She tends to simply live in a constant state of vague annoyance. However, she does have a competitive streak and none of the sense to keep it in check. She doesn't take being insulted well, but she's also too finicky to hold many grudges.
Key Dates  
  • Commonly called Cassie
Full History :
Cassidy was born as Bramble far south of the clans, the only daughter of her parents, Coracle and Rosita. Her parents' owners were not overly thrilled with the addition of a baby to their group of cats. They never named her, but the growing Bramble never noticed. She was a farm cat, brought up around goats, dogs, and horses, and she learned how to hunt mice when she was a wee two months old. She wasn't all that good at it though and she didn't like any of the other animals either. Farm life was fun, but not suitable for her. Soon enough, the farm's owner decided to sell her.

Bramble was bought by a couple for their teenage daughter and renamed Cassidy, which she didn't particularly mind. What she minded was being shunted around like a doll by an excitably girl of fourteen. She soon set them right, declaring her independence with a couple of scratches and several disappearing acts out the backdoor. She was an outdoor cat and she had every intention of staying as such. Eventually, she settled into her new life, developing some fondness for her owner, who paid less and less attention to the snappish Cassie as she began to grow up.

Just recently, several months before she turned two, Cassidy's family moved into the area. To say the least, she was not pleased with the change of scenery. The journey was stressful and she had to leave her scant friends behind. When they arrived at the new house, she took to sulking in the basement, refusing to go outside and lashing out at anyone but her owner who bothered her. However, as the days wore on, she grew bored and began to venture outside to explore. Her home was very different from either of her old ones and she wasn't swift to warm up to it.
Sire :
Coracle (A cobby tom with dark gray fur, amber eyes, and long fur)
Dame :
Rosita (A silver tabby bicolor she-cat with yellow eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Cassidy
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Cassidy
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details