Litters/Pendragon x Valiant/adopt-4

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This adoption is closed.
Please provide a paragraph outlining why you wish to adopt this character, and what you plan to do with the personality.
Also include your name choice, and a selection off our list of names (to be used if we do not believe your choice would be selected by Pen & Val).
Name List: Arthur, Jonathan, Benwick, Percival, Liam, and Helin

Offer from Owlwing

Adoption Status: Declined

I wish to adopt this character because I think it would be interesting to play one of Pendragon and Valiant's kits, which would make this one royalty. Also, it would be a shame if any of them were to die. Anyways, I would name the kit Keith, and if that wouldn't be one of Pen or Val's choices, Liam. I would play Keith as a sort of a philosopher. He would think about the world outside of their kingdom, about the cats in the forest he hears so much about. He would be curious, but not overly-he wants to learn about them without having to go there himself. He would be somewhat interested in the throne, but more so in his studies. However, he might come of as a bit haughty, due to his knowledge and position as royalty, and a tendency to brag about it.

Offer from Paradox

Adoption Status: Declined

I know that I haven't yet proved myself in how active I am, but I can assure you that I plan on staying here for a good, long while. I am very attracted to the aspect of playing the second born tom of Pendragon and Valiant, not only because they are royal blood, but because of the inner conflict the aspect of being 'second best' to his older sibling could do to this tomcat. Needless to say, there is a lot of potential for this character, and I feel that I can utilize some of those plots. Name wise I was considering Ulric, Rowan, or Brom, whichever you believe has the better ring. I plan on having him be very driven to try and prove himself to his father, but its not enough to make him feel like he's truly appreciated. Eventually, this could maybe lead him to question his loyalties and grow bitter towards his brother who will grow up to inherit the throne, and the kingdom of Whitehart. This could maybe lead him into learning more about the forest and the clancats, as well as develop a distinct ego knowing that he's a prince of Whitehart.

I'm sorry, Paradox, but you are not currently eligible to create a non-clan cat. Once you have a clan cat, we could reinstate your offer, but not before. Any questions, let me know.  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 12:41, 1 July 2012 (CDT)

Offer from Thorn

Adoption Status: Accepted

I'm so glad to see that this kitting is actually happening. It'll be great for Pendragon to have kits and solidify his kingdom. I am interested in this tomkit because of what kind of future he could hold within the kingdom. My original name would be Gareth, but if that doesn't seem like a name Pen and Val would name him, then from the names above I would choose Benwick or Helin. Considering what I want him to grow into, he will be ambitious and driven, knowing that in order to get anywhere in a considerably large litter of kits, he needs to stand out. Nothing good comes to those who quietly wait. He will adore his sisters, preferring them to his brothers, but will like his eldest least of all for one day inheriting the kingdom when he believes that he deserves it more. At first he will love each equally, as well as his parents but will start to get distant and cynical towards his brother. He will have a somewhat unyielding personality; stubborn, vivacious, but prone to brooding fits over the uncertainty of his future

Accepted with the name of Gareth.  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 22:04, 27 July 2012 (CDT)