Character talk

Sunblossom/Archive 1

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 14:44, 6 October 2012 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs)
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Check Results - 30 September 2010

PERSONALITY: Sunblossom is a romantic at heart and is not above a little flirting - Powerplay. Not every cat is going to consider flirting to have any relation to romance. Particularly in a society where romance is generally regarded as a frivolity that cannot be afforded when survival is already so hard.

Corrected. Once I actually begin roleplaying her I can probably write the personality better XP Sunblossom 15:51, 5 October 2010 (CDT)


  • eyes are a pale but firey green - Mild powerplay in that it forces others to see her eyes as fiery when they're pale. It's a pretty abnormal sort of descriptor for the color.
Corrected Sunblossom 21:29, 30 September 2010 (CDT)
  • Length - While you meet the minimum, since it's getting kicked back anyways I suggest adding more detail.
Tried my best Sunblossom 15:51, 5 October 2010 (CDT)


  • father often brought her small gifts, like a . . . piece of wool - Where we he get wool? Sheep are not raised in or near to ShadowClan territory.
Corrected Sunblossom 21:29, 30 September 2010 (CDT)
  • Embertail was killed on the Thunderpath by a twoleg monster. - Why was a cat who lived in a clan with access to a perfectly safe tunnel for crossing struct on the Thunderpath?
Correctedish, as long as death by dog is a suitable alternative Sunblossom 21:29, 30 September 2010 (CDT)
  • The wounds from her father's death still fresh - Most clanners live 60-70 moons. A single moon is a fairly long time here at CoSC.
Corrected, I think Sunblossom 21:29, 30 September 2010 (CDT)
  • Sunblossom isn't sure how she'll cope with his inevitable death. She tries to avoid thinking about it. - This is a fairly abnormal approach to death in this sort of society in which death is a part of everyday life. It becomes even stranger in a society in which there is proof of life after death.
Corrected, maybe. I'm trying to meld what I intended with CoSC's views, might need suggestions.Sunblossom 15:51, 5 October 2010 (CDT)
  • As newleaf once again begins - Our mainpage is a touch out of date. We're nearing the end of New-leaf at the moment.
Corrected Sunblossom 15:51, 5 October 2010 (CDT)

This is a very, very nice start. If you have any questions at all just let me know.  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 20:50, 30 September 2010 (CDT)

A few things left to edit that I'll see to tomorrow Sunblossom 21:29, 30 September 2010 (CDT)
Took a little longer than I would have liked because I was without internet for a while (switching providers) but it's ready for the next round of the approval process. Yay! :D Sunblossom 15:51, 5 October 2010 (CDT)

Check Results - 8 October 2010

PERSONALITY: She has a carefree nature, flirtful and jestful - Powerplay. This statement forces others to interpret her nature as "flirty and jestful" (which, btw, are not in a dictonary that I've got access to). Describe what you think gives these impressions, rather than forcing others to view her that way.

I thought those might not be words... Heh... Well I tried re-wording again, I don't think it's powerplaying anymore Sunblossom 22:44, 8 October 2010 (CDT)

APPEARANCE: light gingers and browns & tail fades to black - Due to the fact that CoSC uses real genetics and your character thus has to fit within them there's a small inconsistency here. A cat has to be either all dilute, or all non-dilute. "light ginger" is arguably a dilute color, while black is not. Please clarify.

I was trying to describe the picture I linked so I'm not exactly sure how to correct the inconsistency besides removing it as I just have. Sunblossom 22:44, 8 October 2010 (CDT)

LINKS: This is just a short note from me, letting you know that right now it's just a URL. If you want it to show up as a proper link, then the code is [URL TEXT] Replace URL with the URL itself, starting with http://, and the TEXT will be the text that displays. I also suggest crediting the photographer with a link to the website you got the image from. Just because it's polite to give credit where credit is due.

Thanks, I wasn't sure how to link in wiki. Sunblossom 22:44, 8 October 2010 (CDT)

Just those two little details left. And both resultant of very tricky aspects of CoSC (we're very harsh on powerplay and genetics are just plain challenging sometimes). I'll try and keep an eye out and get you IC as soon as you get those tweaked. Let me know if you have any questions.  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 13:30, 8 October 2010 (CDT)

I like a bit of a challenge, CoSC's interpretation on powerplay is something I've never really encountered before but I think I'm starting to get it... Meanwhile, I think it's ready for another go. Sunblossom 22:44, 8 October 2010 (CDT)

Check Responses

Since it's approved but you've made a few comments that I wanted to respond to, I'm responding to them.

ON COLORS I'll clarify some of the ways I define color words.

This cat is what I see when I see words like "Cream" or "Gold" or "Light Ginger". This color is a Dilute shade. This means it can only be found on the same coat as other dilute colors. This means anything Black on a non-dilute tortie would be gray.
This cat is what I consider to be "Ginger". Note that it's not really rusty enough to be a true red, and it's certainly not dark enough to be a proper orange, either. Ginger is a non-dilute color, which means it can be on the same coat as black.

I realize this is serious hair-splitting, but because of the RL genetics connotations we have to be super-picking and hyper specific to make sure everyone's on the same page (I'm actually planning a page with photographs of the various shades and some discussions like this as part of my genetics FAQs and Help pages). Also, you'll notice that your photograph didn't factor at all into my consideration for what you're describing. This is because, as photographs from other websites are not used as a part of the character sheet in a formal way, they are not actually a "part" of the character sheet. In accordance only your text is considered.

If you were trying to describe something different, you can sort it out and change it through PMs with me prior to the character being taken IC.


My take on powerplay comes from the fact that I've played on a number of very advanced games. On these games you simply don't control other people's characters, at all. And that includes controlling how those characters think. I love the room for interpretation that these powerplay rules provide. It means that "beautiful" gets to keep an individual definition instead of being a universal.

As always, send any questions you have my way.  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 09:46, 9 October 2010 (CDT)

This adoption is closed.
Please provide a paragraph explaining why you feel you should be selected as the new player for this character.

Offer from Miss Mouse

Adoption Status: Accepted

Sunblossom is exactly the cat I've been wanting to create: a she-cat, a ShadowClanner, someone with spunk and spirit and a touch of naivety. I would most enjoy having a somewhat-flirtatious, typically-cheerful character to play, as my existing characters do not really allow me to play such traits. Also, I believe my activity level speaks for itself; there can be little fear that I'd allow Sunblossom to fall into neglect.