Character talk


From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 01:48, 29 May 2017 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs)
This character is available for adoption.
  • To make an offer click 'Edit with Form' and add one using the "Add Another" in the "Apply to Adopt" box.
  • Please ignore any warnings about the page not using that form, it is incorrect.
  • If formatting goes awry use the direct editing or inform a staff member.
  • If you wish to make an offer In Trust for the point when you will have been active with the game for a month, please include the following: I am submitting this application in trust. My first character was approved XXX" in which the "XXX" is replaced with the date of your first RP post with your first character. Do not select "in trust" from the status menu. A staff member will do so if the application is accepted, pending your being active at the end if your first RPing month.

Please provide a paragraph explaining why you feel you should be selected as the next player for this character.
Past Adoption Proceedings

Offer from Flameswipe

Adoption Status: Pending

Snowdust is a fine cat, and one that I can whole-heartedly relate to. Awkward and clumsy at times, she doesn't let it define her. She's loyal to her Clan to the brink of death. She's thoughtful towards others. I never expected to find a cat so like myself! I can't wait to slide into her pawsteps and guide her journey, respecting her personality and history while adding my personal touch to make her a character all my own.