

From Children of StarClan

< Info:PSA
Revision as of 13:41, 5 August 2008 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs) (New page: This PSA was made on Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:05 pm at the old site. It was update 5 August 2008 for the new site. == Announcement == As there appear to be some misunderstandings as to what it ...)
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This PSA was made on Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:05 pm at the old site. It was update 5 August 2008 for the new site.


As there appear to be some misunderstandings as to what it is and isn't acceptable to change on one's character sheet, we're going to cover these finer points here.'


Editing these items are considered grounds for expulsion from the game when done without compliance with the rules.[/i]
  • Clan
  • Age
  • Rank
  • Gender
  • Short Description
  • Sire/Dame
  • Sibling Lists


The system permits editing of the following items, but I'm covering the finer points of the ways in which it is appropriate to edit them.
  • NAME: Name should be edited ONLY to reflect RP. Changing your character's name is inappropriate for any other reason.
  • NAME HISTORY: Name history may only be edited to reflect RPed out changes.
  • PERSONALITY: Changes should be to improve quality, but not change content, unless those changes are to reflect changes that time and role play has wrought on your character.
  • APPEARANCE: Changes to improve quality are always acceptable. Changes in content that are not for added scars or aging are unacceptable. Your appearance must always reflect your Short Description.
  • HISTORY: Changes to improve quality are always acceptable. Changes to add new events are always acceptable. Changing events is unacceptable.
  • OTHER FAMILY: Changes to reflect adoptions, acceptable. Also adding new PC family is acceptable. Making up new family members is unacceptable.

Questions and comments welcome.