

From Children of StarClan

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A Player Character belonging to Kazul


A StarClanner; Formerly a Leader of WindClan
A Tom by Bobtail out of SkyeyesBorn Doublekit in the Moon of Running Prey (2003)* Died of Illness in the Moon of First Green (2007)
Dead at the age of 51 moons (3 years & 11 months)
and has been so for 29 moons (2 years & 3 months).
Short Description :
A tall, muscular tom with thick dust colored pelt
Long Description :
First off, Double is a big tom. Not big as in fat, but as in tall and muscular. However, this is all hidden beneath his thick, woolly fur coat. The outer hairs on his fur are designed to keep dirt, water and whatever else might get on his pelt away from the soft undercoat. The undercoat thickens in winter to give him a wild look but it keeps him warmer than most. He has a thick ruff around his neck that fluffs up even more when he has his winter coat. His pelt is a dusty tan with a dusting of spots which are more like dark brown flecks upon his fur. His underside and muzzle is cream and the tip of his tail is black. His tail is bobbed, being about one-third the length of a normal cat tail.Atop his head, he has two toughed ears, giving him a bobcat or lynx like appearance. His jaws are square and strong and at the tip of his muzzle, his nose is pink and outlined with black. His feet are huge in comparison to his body, like snowshoes, and he is a polydactyl, meaning he has more than five toes on his fore paws and more than four toes on his hind paws. All together, he has seven toes on his forepaws and five on his hindpaws. His eyes are hazel in color, expressive and tend to be a window into the soul this tom.
Double is an interesting tom. He's very intelligent, and experienced in the ways of leadership. He has a good sense of humor and enjoys a good joke, even if it is on himself. This is, of course, of his history as a prankster when he was an apprentice. He has a soft spot for mischievous apprentices, like he once was, but they also bring back bittersweet memories. Mischief was once the middle name of this tom and indeed, this side can be seen every so often in his better moods, more so when he is around kits and apprentices (which he adores) but that has almost disappeared since he was an apprentice. While he knows he is handsome, he has not found a she-cat that he likes enough to ask for his mate yet. He still holds a lot of guilt over the death of his brother, Troublepaw. That guilt can often be viewed as insecurity in his mind. He loves his clan dearly, more than anything, and whenever in battle he worries for everyone of them, especially apprentices. But he knows its a way of life. Still, he can often feel anxious, like hes not doing the right job and someones life will be the cost of his mistakes. Still, in the end when his clan is thriving, he feels like he made the right choice and his brothers spirit is with him.
Key Dates  
Full History :
:Born in the warmth of New-Leaf to a large litter of six to the queen, Skyeyes, and the tom, Bobtail. The litter consisted of five males - Bisonkit, Juniperkit, Birchkit, Doublekit and Troublekit and one female, Cloudkit. Doublekit was give the name due to his uncanny similarity to his father in appearance. He was always close to his sibling, Troublekit. Doublekit and Troublekit often kept their mother on her toes with thier antics.

When the litter was late in their third moon Skyeyes and Bobtail deicded that an outing for the young cats was in order. They picked the outer border of the clan territory towards the twoleg's barn. With the war raging on the inner borders, they thought that border would be safest since pursecution of non-clan cats had greatly reduced the old thread of rogues. Despite their best plans disaster struck. During a game of hunter and prey Birchkit and Cloudkit stumbled into the hands of a small group of Twoleg Kits. By the time the kitnapping was realized the twolegs were taking the pair in a little box into the belly of one of the monsters and they disappeared.

When Doublekit became Doublepaw and was apprenticed, he was given the mentor Burrclaw, who was a large dark brown tom with yellow eyes. He was an eager learner and tried his hardest no matter what task he was given and rarely did he complain. However, like when he was a kit, he and Troublepaw gave their mentors a run for their money and often the two apprentices found themselves being punished for the pranks and other misdeeds they tended to pull.

One day, Doublepaw and Troublepaw decided they were going to play a joke on one of their fellow apprentices. While they were preparing for it but before they could pull it off, a group of two-leg hunters with their dog passed by and the dog gave chase. Panicked, the two apprentices bolted for the nearby foliage, but while Doublepaw made it, Troublepaw did not. Doublepaw had looked back to check where his brother was only to find the body of the young tom being shaken like a rag doll.

Hiding until the dog lost interest in the body of Troublepaw and was called away by the two-legs, Doublepaw took his brother's limp body back to camp and mourned for him as did everyone else. But no matter what, Doublepaw could not shake the feeling of guilt that this was all his fault.

When he became a warrior, he spoke with his clan leader and was given the warrior name Doubletrouble. Double, as this was his name from when he was a kit, and Trouble, mainly as a tribute to the brother he lost but also as a reminder of that tragic day, so he would try to keep others from causing the trouble he did.

As a warrior, he was given an feisty little black apprentice with green eyes named Pinepaw. Despite the spunk the apprentice had, it was soon tamed by Doubletrouble as he taught the young cat all he knew, which was part of what he had learned and partially what Burrclaw had taught him. They eventually became close friends. Pinepaw was made a warrior and given the name Pinewhisker near the same time Doubletrouble was named the next deputy.

When the previous leader lost his last life to illness and old age, Doubletrouble was named leader and sent to the Moonstone to get his nine lives. He has since taken on another apprentice, a young tom by the name of Tundrapaw, who became the warrior Frostcloud.

Doublestar lost one life to Bloodstar at the Gathering of the Moon of Tiger's Wrath (2007), and he later lost his remaining lives to Killingcough. He lost his last life on the ninth day of the Moon of Killingcough.
Sire :
Bobtail (A large tom with thick tan fur and a stumpy tail)
Dame :
Skyeyes (A torbie she-cat with gray-blue eyes)
Full Siblings :
Swifttalon (No Sdesc on File)
Troublepaw (No Sdesc on File)
2 unnamed toms
1 unnamed she-cat
Genealogy & Pedigree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Burrclaw (No Sdesc on File)
Mentor of :
Others :
Pinewhisker (No Sdesc on File)
Frostcloud (An arrogant ivory marbled tabby tom with bright blue eyes)
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Doublestar
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details