

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 15:13, 11 March 2012 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs) (Limitation & Regulation of Prophecy)

This file is subject to change without notice. Changes will be announced on the forum when they are made.

For a full version of the general rules that places them all on a single page, click HERE.

Harassment Policy

Harassment will not be tolerated. Players found to be harassing others, through any medium will suffer a permanent ban from CoSC.
Harassment Policy Expanded

Number of Accounts

Each player (who shall be identified through their IP Address) is limited to a single account. Multiple-player households MUST report (via PM) to Kitsu with the name of ANY and ALL accounts that will share IPs or it will be addressed as a purposeful violation of this rule.
Number of Accounts Policy Expanded

Role Play

Moved to Rules:Character

Character Policies

Character Requirements

Characters are required to comply with all bans, lists and rules set forth by the game administration. At times these requirements can be somewhat subjective, and the administration of the game is granted the freedom to make those decisions for purposes of what they feel is the best interest of the game.
Expanded Character Requirements Policy

Slots & Limitations

Players are limited to certain numbers of characters (as described on the expanded policy page) and must keep those characters in compliance with various limitations and other instructions. Players with more characters than permitted, or with characters outside the given limitations will loss the most recently created/acquired of those characters.
Expanded Character Slots & Limitations Policy

Limitation & Regulation of Prophecy

Moved to Rules:Roleplay