

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 16:43, 11 March 2012 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs)

These reflect the most basic rules the RP uses, and defines elements of conduct that are expected of players.

This file is subject to change without notice. Changes will be announced on the forum when they are made.

Harassment Policy

Harassment will not be tolerated. Players found to be harassing others, through any medium will suffer a permanent ban from CoSC.
Harassment Policy Expanded

Number of Accounts

Each player (who shall be identified through their IP Address) is limited to a single account. Multiple-player households MUST report (via PM) to Kitsu with the name of ANY and ALL accounts that will share IPs or it will be addressed as a purposeful violation of this rule.
Number of Accounts Policy Expanded

Rules you'll now find elsewhere

Role Play

Moved to Rules:Character

Character Policies

Moved to Rules:Character

Limitation & Regulation of Prophecy

Moved to Rules:Roleplay